
如何写求职信 2022-01-09 网络整理 可可


Dear leaders:


When you visit this page, you have to success, I opened the door first. Thank you in another life I am about to embark on a new journey time, give me a valuable opportunity. You hope that it is different from the hands of a number of identical copies of the job materials, and can help you in the intense market competition and knowledge-based economy recorded tide you are looking for a comprehensive talent.

I was the Southwest University of Science and Technology Manufacturing Science and Engineering, a third year student, majoring in mechanical design and manufacture of automation and the direction of the numerical control technology, and the other minor professional e-commerce school. For enterprises and institutions in the search for a computer-related management or technical work, such as: administrative clerical /高级文员, web page design / computer art, web site planning / information editing, network management, but also willing to engage with the professional CNC Technology the management of the technical work.

As an undergraduate, "eligible Canadian talent" is always my goal. I am in school among the best academic performance and actively participate in various extra-curricular activities, have been a number of certificate, as the new century, college students, I am well aware of only learning of this expert knowledge is not enough, so I read all books and participated in various training courses extremely useful learning, to enrich themselves at the same time has also been a number of witnesses certificate authority. After three years, the efforts of the University, I have high theoretical and practical ability, good interpersonal skills, able to adapt to the new environment. Computer and English knowledge, I work a strong sense of responsibility, awareness and innovative, willing to engage in challenging work. And, with a certain degree of organization, social skills. Passion for the unknown fields, self-confidence. There is considerable potential for development, in order to constantly improve themselves. I am willing to endure hardship, working harder, bit by bit from the start, always at work to keep the faith and courage to innovate up the attitude of optimism. Believe they would be capable of a variety of computer-related management and technical work. Computer is my biggest passion and expertise, can be said to be a computer enthusiast. Through self-learning to master a lot of computer knowledge, and now has passed the National Computer Rank Examination three (network), the National Computer Rank Examination II, and passed the company"s graphic image ADOBE certified engineers. Now the level of a specific computer as follows:

Proficiency in: Office software, VISUAL BASIC, C, FOXBASE, JAVA, ASP and other programming language and 3D modeling

Proficient: PHOTOSHOP, COREDRAW, AUTOCAD and other graphic image software

Master: Computer hardware and software knowledge, basic knowledge of networks, to skilled and network and maintenance, with the small and medium-sized enterprises the ability to engage in network management. 12

IV contains a hurry, and now I know how deeply: Yesterday, the accomplishments have become history, the glorious future depends on making unremitting efforts in this down-to-earth to be realized. In this era of gorgeous and colorful with each passing day, only to build capacity, improve quality, and tap the potential inherent to the community in the midst of fierce competition. I am about to leave school at the time, I learned to carry a young man filled with knowledge and passion and dreams, sincere and heartfelt ourselves to your organization. Shanwai楼外楼Castle, strong in the more strong in the hand, but I firmly believe that:天生我才to be useful! Although I am very ordinary, but I do not mediocrity. Despite the large number of candidates, I may not necessarily be the best, but I am still very confident, will prove that I am the most worthy of your choice now!

Give me a chance, I will fulfill their duties will not only let you satisfied with the more you will be returned to a pleasant surprise! ! At this point, I look forward to your eye look静候佳音. I believe your trust and my strength will bring us success together!

Finally, once again Thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your reply as soon as possible. Units祝贵prosperity!


Job-seekers: × × ×12


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