
如何写求职信 2022-01-09 网络整理 可可


Distinguished leadership of your company:

I Wang **, and sincerely hope to join your company, go to Chongqing to open up the area of human resources outsourcing business. I am undergraduate from 1998 to the present time, Dr., has been studying the direction of human resources management (labor economics profession), and even more love, have a long-term career as a. Provided by the company, "the personnel manager of outsourcing services," the post is compatible with the pursuit of my career.
I very much look forward to under the leadership of professional firms, and their own team to help Chinese enterprises to work together to optimize human resources management processes, reduce costs and improve human resources management return on investment.
So far in XX, I am a part-time participation in the Capital Airport, China Aluminum International, Xin, such as iron in the company"s human resources consulting business, Feng Beijing participated in a company"s corporate华世House Curriculum Development, Beijing Institute of Civil Aviation cadre management system, senior division of human resources training. During that time, I also get to know a number of business owners, their businesses are oil agents, building materials, advertising, children"s education is in a development period, such as the small (middle) enterprises. Exchanges with them through to understand this kind of business leader in human resources management theory recognized the value of their current knowledge and advisory services company operating in the bottleneck. This also led to my theory of human resource management thinking to solve practical problems, I am profoundly aware that: from the perspective of "value creation" point of view, forward-looking, systemic view of human resources management in China is at the top. At present, there are still not aware of enterprise human resource management an important value, however, is what we are mining the direction of the future, this is what we need to develop the market. To help Chinese enterprises to enhance leadership, is the implementation of human resources outsourcing services to the stepping stone. Deep understanding and grasp the business and the development of human resources management trends and business environment for the survival of customers, to determine accurately the real needs of customers, designed to truly be able to solve the plight of corporate human resources management program is in China"s way out of human resources services.
Dr. XX study, I just progress. However, this short-term experience has enhanced my professional accuracy and a high degree of thinking, training, scientific research methods. The training is also essential for human resources services to professional requirements. To prospective customers, particularly in marketing services company, for an order, a professional, detailed and systematic reporting of project proposals to obtain the trust of customers to our company and other bidders to separate enterprises, help to win the business. Services to customers in the period, high-quality service to gain from specialization. I study the direction of the current "pay rate of return on investment" (in progress, not completed), I would like the application of this research to our business outsourcing services in the past. Pay rate of return on investment through this tool, bringing business-to-the value of human resource management monitoring and evaluation. 12

I am 28 years old, 7 years of professional study, work in a 4-year colleges and universities, to-business contact is also a part-time. I do not meet the recruitment information on the work experience listed in: "more than 5 years working experience in human resources management, familiar with labor laws and regulations, in the pay and benefits, staff training, staff relations and management experience; had 500 employees serving more than one business, experienced management. "However, I believe that a teacher said: Although I have not done their own business, but I have studied the companies and people doing business. In XX, my third-year university, I enrolled on a part-time in the city of Zhengzhou City, a small agency to do part-time personnel agency business, did not have much understanding of professional, but in accordance with the requirements of the owner, with Indian companies material to the business system for each business venture to interrupt and ask whether there is a need to recruit help. However, there was a lot of business needs, the company found more than a dozen prospects to recruit female models, such as low-end products exhibition business positions. Now think about it, that is the embryonic form of today"s outsourcing, but the scope of business, work patterns, more standardized products and professional, and more diversified customer needs, and low-end batch job recruitment, recruitment and evaluation of high-end; pay Investigation and staff motivation; personalized House courses; labor relations and employee relationship management will become the content of our services.
My junior, but I also take full advantage of time, as much as possible to learn from the advanced management theory and understanding of market demand. I had in XX set up the management of human resources services company idea, so I also did some of my friends related research, and some company bosses had profound communication. I believe I would be capable of human resources outsourcing needs of the market manager position with customers, business strategy, market development, product design, process of service delivery, marketing management, and external relations management, staff management, it is your company provided me with a co-operation opportunities.
For Chongqing, I only went three days in XX, starting in XX, I will try to concern in Dalian, Chongqing, Nanjing and other cities developments, I think China"s human resources management services will be the focus of Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities to development in the city. Therefore, regardless of my thesis work or the future, I hope that in these cities.
I think I have the business management of the macro-thinking, professional human resources management framework for the Corporation under the guidance of their work. I also hope that your company can give me a chance to see the urban development strategy of Chongqing, the competitiveness of local enterprises, business leadership of the overall situation, for giving me the opportunity to explore the market in Chongqing.


Thank you for your interest! Thank you sincerely!

Job-seekers: Wang **12


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