
面试试题 2020-12-03 网络整理 可可


  why this company?

  the big fat why is a question that has many answers. you definitely need to know why the candidate wants to join your firm because you don’t want to hire someone who just wants to join on a trial and error basis. you need to know why he chose this career path and whether he is worthy enough to be part of your organisation. it is important for you to know that he hasn’t just applied because there was an opening but because he actually wants to grow within your company and prove to be outstanding in his tasks.

  why did you leave your last job?

  was he fired? did he leave due to too much pressure? or did not like the work environment? there could be so many reasons for leaving the previous job and if it is not justifiable, you need to be careful if the candidate can be trusted. he might’ve left his first job knowing that he’s worth more and your company can give him that, which is acceptable. only after you know the real reason for leaving the previous job will you know whether the candidate is eligible to work in your company.

  tell us something about yourself

  this question will get you to know if your prospective employee talks sense and doesn’t blabber around. the answers should be to the point and by the end of it, if all you know about him is his entire life history; you need to consider other options. the candidate should give you specific quick answers about his work-life, education, experiences and future goals, not how he spent his childhood.

  how do you feel about working long hours or over weekends? can you work under pressure?

  this may be a hypothetical question just to know the reaction of the employee. if he hesitates to answer it in the first go, that means he’d rather have his weekends free of work calls which he is not to be blamed for. however, if the situation arises, then he must be ready to work at any hour of the day without any hesitation. this question will help you learn his promptness towards accepting a task out of his usual comfort zone.

  what are your strengths and weaknesses?

  this is the most feared question for the employee. see that he is honest about his weaknesses and modest about his strengths. earnest employees usually speak of their weaknesses in a matter-of-fact way and also their ability to overcome these shortcomings. the answer to this question will show their level of balance and stability.

  the point is to get to know the candidate's personal and professional characteristics to see if he will prove to be an asset to your company. of course, at the end of it, go with your intuition and what you gathered in your first meeting. hopefully, it shall be a long lasting professional relationship.


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