
面试试题 2021-04-07 网络整理 可可





  三是面试前整理好自己的思路。自己是什么样的人? 有哪些塑造自我的经历?其中哪些经历是最值得表现的?这些都是面试官可能会问到的问题。虽然问法不尽相同,但大同小异。接受面试前,要针对这些问题理清思路。


  五是答案要有逻辑和说服力。多数面试要持续 20 到 30 分钟,约有7至8个问题,且面试官会在退出前保留5分钟让申请人提出问题。依此估算,学生只有不到2分钟的时间可以回答1个问题。因此,学生务必善用时间,及时快速组织有效语言回答问题。



  1. why do you want to study in usa? why do you choose usa?

  (have you applied for chinese university? why?)

  1) as you see, american education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. united states is the mother country of business. so usa universities’ courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) moreover, the rmb appreciate day by day so studying in usa is cheaper than ever before. 3) it’s said that the usa authority welcome the chinese students. that releases the local economic crisis.

  why do you choose us but not europe?

  although banks were founded in europe first, the us economic development is more mature and dynamic. also, the united states is china's largest trading nation and us have completely economic system. i believe i have made a very wise choice.

  (i have considered but finally choose the usa with an in-depth consideration.)

  2. to how many institutions have you applied, and who are they?

  any other school admits you?

  i applied two universities, *** university and university of north alabama. both of them admitted me. but i found the *** university mba***** program aligns most closely with my academic background and career goals. i carry university of *** admission letter. here it is.

  3. why do you choose *** university?

  1)well, at the first, *** university is a public institution that was founded in 1887 with long his***.

  2)secondly, my special option ied is rare but excellent in *** and ***’s mba program is accredited by (acbsp) (the association of collegiate business schools and programs).

  3)also, *** offers me conditional admission, so it is advisable for me to choose *** to improve myself and english proficiency.

  4)moreover, sorrell college of business focuses on training students with practical skills and business problems solving ability.

  4. do you know where this school is? do you know where you will study in the us?

  it is located in 601 university avenue, ***, alabama.

  5. what is your major? what is it all about? what is it for?

  in what aspect of your major will you study?

  can you briefly explain what you will learn?

  can you talk something about the course?

  why do you like your major?

  my major in usa will be mba with international economic development.

  the courses include accounting, finance and market and practical skills.

  i can seek very in-depth study of trade and economics and an understanding of the market’s role between developing countries and developed countries. i’ve been working in imp/exp department of ****** company for 2 years. this program teaches me knowledge from management view with the expertise in analyzing specific financial markets and in investment strategies and layout of investors. these courses will lead solid foundation for my career path. so this option fits me. that’s why i like this major.

  (this is curriculum i will learn in ***)

  6. what’s the difference between your major now and the major in us?

  (you already obtained bachelors in law in china, why you close to study mba?) (why do you change your major?)

  well, my bachelor major here is law in **** university. the major mba i chosen in us will cross the two fields. according to my current situation, law is one part to help me fulfill my dream. (but it is very different from the law in china and us. i will come back to china, so i couldn’t study us law. ) in the meantime i think chinese law is enough to deal with the work problems. i only need some professional managerial knowledge that is also vital to help me become a good senior manager. i think if i can combine these two major in practice, i’m sure i'll have a bright future.

  7. how do you know this university?

  well, i know *** university in china international educational exhibition, and the importance is i am very lucky to meet the recruitment director in tianjin. i find the *** university suits me for my academic background, personal philosophy, and career goals.

  8. have you any work experiences? (give vo resume)

  well, i worked for a clothes manufacture company from XX to XX. the main business is closing trade. i was a manager assistance of imp/exp department before i resigned. i am responsible for assisting manager to contact the customs and supervise the order.

  9. what did you do after graduation?( why you come back to china instead of finding a job in america?

  1)i will go back my former company. my former boss will welcome me go back to work and give a position as a senior manager after graduation, because i had been working there for two years. (also, she extremely encourages me to further study in usa and realize my dream)

  2) secondly, of course i will come back to join my parents.

  3)thirdly, i think i have a good future in my hometown tianjin, which is one of the biggest and most important ports.

  4)also, china is developing fast now and america is chinese biggest trading nation, international economy management is quiet useful in china.

  5)lastly, i know the local cannot find a work in us, even a chinese.

  so i will come back to china asap.

  how much will you earn when you come back? salary in the u.s.?

  well, chinese companies will pay more attention to how well and how diligent i will study in usa. the report in china trade industry, a senior manager can earn more than one hundred thousand rmb one year. the salary in the u.s, i do not know in details, may be $40,000, but it’s said the employment rate is very lower. the american cannot find a job, so i think it’s very difficult to a chinese student.

  i believe i will study hard and diligent (so i can shorten the time) and come back asap. i just want to minimize the cost while make the highest return on my investment in education.

  10. why not you won’t go to industry? why do you think it is time to pursue a degree now?

  well, 4- year study and 2 –year work, that’s a short period time, i have just learned the basic law that is only a method of thinking but not the advanced knowledge. i want to study more professional knowledge to analyze the problems. the courses include accounting, finance, economy and business. they are let me know how to succeed in trade by decreasing effectively the cost and management burdens. i can learn risk and chances in business and the global picture. so, i think it is the right time for me to continue study and broaden my horizon before moving on to the next stage of my life.


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