
面试口语 2024-04-09 网络整理 可可


what is the most boring job you"ve ever had?how did you do at it?


i don"t really think i"ve ever had a boring job,but if i have to choose one,it would probably be the winter job i had at a post office when i was in high school.


the job involved sorting new year"s postcards for delivery for eight hours a day every day for about a month.


i don"t know how it is done now,but back then it was all done manually.


i got the knack immediately,so i had to make it more interesting and challenging for myself—i timed myself sorting the postcards and every time i tried to finish faster and faster.


the full-time worker who supervised me was impressed and said i was the fastest and also the most accurate.


it was a great experience for a high school student.


当被问及这类问题时,你可以回答“i have never had a boring job.”,也可以举出一些与应聘职位无关的工作经历。


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