
面试口语 2024-04-09 网络整理 可可


情景对话1 :

a: may i come in?

i: yes, please.

a: how are you doing, madam? my name is wujing. i am coming to your company for an interview as requested.

i: fine, thank you for coming. mr. wu, please take a seat. i am anne smith, the assistant manager.

a: nice to see you, mrs. smith.

i: nice to meet you, too.


a: ok, mr. wu. you may come in. this is anne smith and on my right, my colleague, anna duncan, and on my left, angela lamb. do please sit down.

i: thank you. good afternoon mrs. smith, miss duncan, miss lamb.

a: your english is fluent.

i: thank you.

a: how do you think of the weather today?

i: i don"t like the weather like this. cold and rainy. hope it become sunny as soon as possible.


a: excuse me. may i see mrs. smith?

i: it"s me. what can i do for you?

a: nice to meet you, mrs. smith. i"m coming here for an interview by appointment.

i: are you mr. wu?

a: yes, i am.

i: nice to meet you, too. did you have any difficulty finding our company?

a: not really, i am familiar with this area.


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