
面试技巧 2024-02-16 网络整理 可可


面试很容易让人紧张不安。thoughts such as "what if i don"t get any job offers?", "what if i don"t get the job i want?" or "will i accept a position that isn"t right for me?" can cause considerable upset.




越是担心,就越是紧张,面试的结果可能就越差。here are a few notes and pointers on how to prepare for interviews and determine if this job is the right one for you.


1. the key to reducing your anxiety is in being well-prepared for the interview. the first step towards a successful job interview is self-assessment (自我评估). you need to decide for yourself what kind of position you want. since self-knowledge is the foundation of all decisions, a close scrutiny of your priorities, interests, short and long-term goals is necessary before any interview.


remember: if you"re unsure of whether or not you want the position you"re interviewing for, it will probably show. if you don"t have a reasonably clear focus, this is the time to do some hard thinking about what kind of position you want.(确定你要应聘的职位)


2. the second step in preparation for your interviews is to research the companies you"ll be interviewing with.(对求职公司充分了解) you should know as much about the company and the position as you possibly can. as you do your research, look for points where your interests, capabilities, goals, and personality match the company"s needs or whatever needs you think they might have.


3. every interviewer, whether directly or indirectly, will expect you to be able to answer questions like: (准备好常见问题)why do you want a position in this company? what can you do for my company? there are a few of the more popular interview questions. take some time to think about the answers, and you"ll be much more prepared to make a great impression. at a job interview, your employers will probably ask the following:


·what jobs have you liked the most? the least?


·can you tell me about your present job?


·what do you expect to be doing five years from now?


·why do you want to work for our company?


·what are your strengths? your weaknesses?


·what do you know about our company?


·can you give me a reason to hire you?


·what was your best subject in school? your worst?


·what makes you qualified for this job?


·can you tell me about the best day you"ve ever spent on a job? your worst?


·how do you define success?


·are you able to travel? relocate?


·can you tell me about your skills?


·are you able to use a computer?


·can you describe your ideal supervisor?


·why did you apply for this job?


·how do you use this specific computer application to solve a job-related program?


·do you have any samples of your work?(准备好你得意的工作成果,并且随身携带,在合适的时候拿出来给面试官看,可以收到意想不到的效果。)




4. and you"re supposed to dress properly.(着装得体) a suit, dress shirt and tie are usually required for men. women should wear either a suit or a dress with a complementary jacket (外套). they are always acceptable.


those men with more limited wardrobes should wear a nice sports coat with coordinated slacks (搭配得当的休闲裤) and shirt. women should wear a nice jacket with coordinated skirt or slacks. you should always avoid wearing sneakers (运动鞋) to interviews. 虽然很多公司并不要求员工都要穿正装,但是对于求职者来说,还是尽量要大方、庄重才好。


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