性格问题1. do you generally speak to people before they speak to you?it depends on the circumstances.-一般来说,在人们和你说话之前你会先和他们说话吗?看情况2.what was the last book you read? movie you saw? sporting event you attended?talk about books, sports or films to show that you have balance in your life.你最近看的最后一本书,一部电影,参与的运动说一些书,运动和电影显示你可以平衡你的生活3. what is the toughest part of a job for you?be honest. remember, not everyone can do everything.4. are you creative?yes. give examples that relate to your current job.5. how would you describe your own personality?balanced is a good word to use, but remember the type of company you are interviewing at. some companies may want someone who is aggressive and a go-getter.你如何形容你的个性?根据你所应聘的公司和职位的要求来调整你的回答。有的职位要求人听话,肯干,有的要求人有创造性,主动性。在回答以前你心中对这家公司和工作应当有一定的感觉或认识6. are you a leader?absolutely! cite specific examples using your current job as a reference point.你是一个领导者吗当然是了。信不信由你,leadership领导才能在西方社会里是极受重视的,就算你是个生产线的装配工,有领导才能也会比没有好。所以,多多少少你也要说你有领导才能。举几个例子。7. what are your future goals?avoid, “i would like the job you advertised.” instead, give long-range goals.你将来的目标8. what are your strengths?present at least three and relate them to the company and job you are interviewing for.你的优点说三个和你面试公司相关的9. what are your weaknesses?dont say that you don"t have any. try not to cite personal characteristics as weaknesses, but be ready to have one if the interviewer presses. turn a negative into a positive answer: “i am sometimes intent on completing an assignment and get too deeply involved when we are late.”关于你的职业目标1. if you could start your career again, what would you do differently?nothing … i am happy today, so i dont want to change my past.2. what career options do you have at the moment?“i see three areas of interest…” relate those to the position and industry.3. how would you describe the essence of success? according to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far?think carefully about your answer and relate it to your career accomplishments.你的工作习惯与方式1. if i spoke with your previous boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?emphasize your skills, and dont be overly negative about your weaknesses. its always safer to identify a lack of a skill as an area for improvement rather than a shortcoming.2. can you work under pressures, deadlines, etc.?yes, its a way of life in business. be sure to cite examples of your success.3. how have you changed the nature of your job?explain how you have improved the efficiency, productivity, and the like.4. do you prefer staff or line work? why?it depends on the job and its challenges.5. in your present position, what problems have you identified that had previously been overlooked?keep it brief and dont brag.6. do you feel you might be better off in a different size company? different type company?it depends on the job -- elaborate slightly.7. how do you resolve conflict on a project team?explain that communication is important, and that you would first you discuss the issues privately.8. what was the most difficult decision you ever had to make?try to relate your response to the prospective employment situation薪资问题1. how much are you looking for?answer with a question, e.g., “what is the salary range for similar jobs in your company?” if the interviewer doesnt answer, then give a range of what you understand you are worth in the marketplace. check out monster.coms salary center.2. how much do you expect, if we offer this position to you?be careful; the market value of the job may be the key answer, e.g., “my understanding is that a job like the one youre describing may be in the range of ______.”3.what kind of salary are you worth?have a specific figure in mind…dont be hesitant经验与管理类问题1. you may be overqualified for the position we have to offer.strong companies need strong people. a growing, energetic company is rarely unable to use its employees talents. emphasize your interest in a long-term association, pointing out that the employer will get a faster return on investment because you have more experience than required.2. what is your management style?(if youve never thought about this, its high time you did.) “open-door management” is best … and you get the job done on time or inform your management.3. are you a good manager? give an example. why do you feel you have top managerial potential?keep your answer achievement- and task-oriented; emphasize management skills -- planning, organizing, interpersonal, etc.4. what do you look for when you hire people?skills, initiative, adaptability.5. did you ever fire anyone? if so, what were the reasons and how did you handle it?give a brief example of a time when you faced this, and stress that it worked out well.6. what do you see as the most difficult task in being a manager?getting things planned and done on time within the budget.7. what do your subordinates think of you?be honest and positive…they can check your responses easily.8. what is your biggest weakness as a manager?be honest and end on a positive note, e.g. “i dont enjoy reprimanding people, so i try to begin with something positive first.”关于离职、跳槽的原因1. why are you leaving your present job?refine your answer based on your comfort level and honesty. give a “group” answer if possible, e.g. our department was consolidated or eliminated.2. how do you feel about leaving all of your benefits?concerned but not panicked.3. describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment.one in which people are treated as fairly as possible.4. how would you evaluate your present firm?its an excellent company that afforded me many fine experiences考核你的经验与业绩1. how have you helped increase sales? profits?explain in some detail, citing figures and specific examples.2. have you helped reduce costs? how?describe in some detail with specifics.3. how much money did you account for?give examples as to your responsibilities. explain how the budget was determined, and your role in overseeing your departments portion.4. how many people did you supervise on your last job?explain the structure of your department and your role as manager.5. do you like working with figures more than words?be honest but positive.6. in your current or last position, what features did you like the most? least?be honest but put a positive spin on your least favorite duties.7. in your current or last position, what are or were your five most significant accomplishments?针对简历中的内容会提出的问题1. why havent you found a new position before now?finding a job is easy; finding the right job is more difficult. stress that you are being selective, and are looking for the right “fit.”2.had you thought of leaving your present position before? if so, what do you think held you there?explain that your job is no longer challenging and that you feel your talents are best used elsewhere.3. what do you think of your boss?be as positive as you can, even if you dont really believe it.4.would you describe a situation in which your work was criticized?be as positive as you can and emphasize what you learned from the situation.5. what other types of jobs or companies are you considering?keep your answer related to this companys field, and dont give out specific company names.-
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面试技巧在财务人员面试过程中,占有重要的位置。掌握必要的面试技巧以及面试注意事项对于财务人员的面试有至关重要的作用。下面是由小编分享的财务人员面试注意事项与技巧,希望对你有用。财务人员面试注意事项 1、自我介绍。面试中最关键一项就是自我介绍,很多HR第一个问的问题就是“能不能做一下...
要找一份好工作除了准备好简历之外,更重要的是要掌握面试技巧。下面是由小编分享的电话邀约面试技巧,希望对你有用。电话面试的准备工作 1、在电话沟通之前做好相关岗位和公司资料的准备。 2、将应聘者的简历详细看过并标出需进一步了解或确认的关键信息。 3、做好被质疑和拒绝的准备。 4、设计好引导...
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自我介绍是客服求职者面试时的的引玉之砖,下面是由小编分享的客服面试自我介绍范文参考,希望对你有用。客服面试自我介绍范文篇1 我是一个开朗大方,性格外向,每做一件事情都要求最好,能刻苦成担每一件事情。 在校表现良好,担任班科代,生活委员,在学生会担任学习部事务,在社团部担任干事,工作要求做到最...
乘务员的主要职责是为乘客提供热情优质的服务,确保旅客出行舒适与安全,并及时处理旅途中的各种突发事件。下面是小编整理的乘务员面试技巧,希望大家喜欢。航空乘务员面试技巧 在面试时,你首先要沉着冷静,举止得体,思维清晰,语言表达有逻辑性,懂得商务礼仪。许多应聘者在招聘人员面前有胆怯心理,这是很不好的...