
个人简历制作 2022-12-05 网络整理 可可


name: xxx nationality: china
current residence: guangzhou national: han
domicile: guangzhou height and weight: 160 cm 95 kg
marital status: single age: 23 years old
job search intention and work experience
talent type: general job
position: advertising production / graphic design and production: art editor, advertising production / graphic design and production: art editor, packaging designers: art editor
work experience: 2 title: no title
job type: may be reported for duty date: any time
monthly requirements: XX - 3500 hope that the working area: guangzhou guangzhou guangzhou
work experience: XX, advertising photographer, has served as assistant
in XX in guangdong province cultural studies institute of calligraphy and painting art its internal publication "guangdong painting art" editorial board member of the editorial department of the liabilities of an art editor of the publication (posts: art editor)
XX, trust-mart stores in guangzhou planning to do art. (posts: planning art)
昆冈in guangdong in XX to do graphic design advertising companies to leave work to go to work due to instability in the location (position: graphic designer)
XX granville culture in guangdong development limited love art editing the post office. (title: group art editor)
since XX -XX mike cartwright global co., ltd. in hong kong any photographers and graphic designers advertising.
educational background
graduate institutions: guangdong vocational college of arts
highest level of education: college graduation date: XX-06-01
specialties: the second print ad design professional:
training experience: graduate schools: the guangdong provincial institute of arts professional career: the design of print ads
1990-1996 primary school gise
1996-1999 graduated from high school gise
1999-XX guangzhou fangcun district graduating senior vocational school of arts and crafts professionals
literature and art XX-XX, guangdong vocational college graduate design print ads (any monitor post)
language ability
foreign language: english general
mandarin level: the level of good cantonese: proficient
the ability to work and other expertise
   i have expertise in design for advertising, corporate image design, planning (ci planning), visual identification (vi design), logo design (logo), packaging design (package), advertising (ad), brand design, exhibition, posters, pictures and户内外advertising, skilled and coreldraw software such as photoshop and college specializing in gouache, calligraphy, chinese painting, has been involved in inter-school won a class two award硬笔calligraphy, calligraphy brush during the first and at the university, i graduated from the packaging design work school as excellent works, and organized by guangzhou art exhibition on display outstanding graduates, and school for school work on behalf of provincial and municipal schools have participated in the design of various types of exhibitions and competitions, and guangdong province in XX print ads packaging competition, the work was outstanding works design award, but also interested in photography, has participated in practice, there is a certain level. know how to design print ads and packaging design and pop write fonts.
and "painting and calligraphy institute of the guangdong provincial cultural studies arts commission" is a symbol of one of my successful work has been used successfully on the association, as well as "the guangdong provincial cultural society" is also a symbol of my designs one of the signs now were also among the select.
   i am calm personality, meticulous observation of strong, highly motivated, very suitable for design and photography and other art work, and easy-going person, easy communication, easy to integrate into the work groups, play to our strengths.
i hope our cooperation can bring your company gain an immeasurable, and i can play freely creativity.
detailed personal autobiography:
   i am the people of china and china communist youth league members, in 99 years enrolled in vocational fangcun district high school, studied arts and crafts professional, good results.
   admitted to the arts in XX in guangzhou vocational college, the university has been serving as squad leader during the period, with strong organizational and leadership skills. and the results have been the first spear in the class and my graduate school work as packaging design works best, and organized by guangzhou art exhibition on display outstanding graduates, and was staying for work on behalf of schools to participate in school provincial and municipal design of various types of exhibitions and competitions, and was named the year XX -XX outstanding cadres classes.
   guangdong province in XX by the cultural institute of the guangdong painting and calligraphy art studies committee for approval as an official member.
association and the association as an internal publication <<guangdong calligraphy art>> editorial board editorial board member, the balance of the fine arts editor of the publication, and publications have their works published. i work because of a serious and responsible, so in XX, was association promoted to the post of secretary-general of the association, liabilities audit new members of the association and the association‘s publications and the art association‘s web site editor
   XX ads in guangdong昆冈trust liabilities do graphic design projects graphic design newsletter and editing.
   successful design in XX, "the guangdong provincial cultural studies institute of calligraphy and painting art committee" of the logo, and the successful adoption.
   successful design in XX, "cultural institute of guangdong province" logo, are now being among the select.
   love in guangdong in XX granville cultural development co., ltd. head of any u.s. organization.
   since XX -XX mike cartwright global co., ltd. in hong kong any photographer and graphic designer advertising, have a good performance.
   i hope to engage in art design and art editing, packaging design work and art editor of the post have some work experience, at the same time have sufficient confidence to meet any challenge.


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