My Chinese name is Huangzhuoqun. My English name is Rose. I’m a girl .I’m twelve years old. I’m from Ruian Xincheng Experimentation primary school.
I’m in Class two Grade six. I’m clever. I’m a good girl. I’m helpful. I often help classmates. My best friend is Caichenglai. He’s nine years old too. We eat play and read together. We learn each other.
I like swimming,roller-skating and computer games.
I swim everyday in the summer holiday. I ofen roller-skating on the weekend.
I like blue and red .
I like the blue sky. I like the red auturm .
There are three people in my family. They are my mother my father and I. My mother is thirty-seven years old. She’s an accountant. She likes to go travelling. My father is thirty-seven years old too. He is a teacher. He likes to reed books.
I am ****. Usually a lot of my hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 Didesmococcus feather, draw, watch extra-curricular book, watch TV and so on, so my life is very rich extra-curricular. Ago is a more introverted person, I have very few words, only and I am very good friends to so many before, but after school at the time of my personality to change slowly, and not, as previously Like very few words, and students are also very harmonious relationship.
In fact, since childhood I dare not interested in English, so my English very poor, then let us hear English, introduce myself, I really do not know how to do, nervous for some time, so I think in the future of English class can have more understanding of English can have more interest in English. Families are. Usually a lot of my hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 Didesmococcus feather, draw, watch extra-curricular book, watch TV and so on, so my life is very rich extra-curricular. Ago is a more introverted person, I have very few words, only and I am very good friends to so many before, but after school at the time of my personality to change slowly, and not, as previously Like very few words, and students are also very harmonious relationship.
I think noting is difficult if you put your heart into it,so I can say will make my English be nice in future.
Hello everybody, my name is ***, ** years old this year.
I am a cheerful little girl, my easy-going personality, after class, I am always happy to hear the laughter. My next
Sometimes after school to help students talk about the bad performance issues, I will help others to do what I should do. I think
Help others also feel happy! I am a Leader in the class I was in charge of discipline in perfect order. I dedecms.com
Strong organizational skills, and sometimes I will take the students to carry out a number of useful activities. I still carried a small first class assembly
Team has done a very impressive too! My specialty is the piano, dancing, calligraphy. I grew up studying piano, is
The playing is still considered good yo! I also learned to dance, I learned a * years. I was an art school in Chongqing to the test
Dance * level certificate. My handwriting is the best, I write the words in the class is the best too! This is me! A
Generous and cheerful little girl!
In the next life, I will work hard and we became good friends, thank you!
应聘求职准备自我介绍的时候,一定要通俗、易懂。下面是小编收集整理的应聘人事自我介绍范文,希望能帮到你。应聘人事自我介绍范文1 我叫张三,现年XX岁,来自XX市,毕业于XX大学的人力资源管理专业,我是一个活泼开朗、执行力强的人。毕业到现在一直从事人力资源相关工作,有2019年的人力资源管理经验,...
自我介绍在招聘会面试中是非常重要的,我们要如何才能通过自我介绍在短短的几分钟时间里给面试官留下深刻的印象?以下是小编搜集整理的招聘会的自我介绍,欢迎阅读。招聘会的自我介绍篇1 各位尊敬的考官,早上好。 今天能在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到十分的荣幸。我应聘的是贵单位银行营...
应届毕业生们自我介绍时要充满自信,落落大方,态度诚恳。只有自信的人才能使他人另眼相看。下面是小编收集整理的应届毕业生自我介绍800字,希望能帮到你。应届毕业生自我介绍800字篇1 我来自于湖南省衡阳市,今年22岁,有幸就读于天津大学的国际贸易专业,经过四年的大学生涯锤炼,现在即将毕业! 家庭...
一直以来我是个性格复杂的孩子,很多人说我很难了解 于是我对他们笑 我是个爱笑的人 可是我不经常快乐 很多时候当我感到悲伤 泪水还没来得及涌上来,笑容已经爬上了眼角眉梢 我对喜欢的人才会生气,不喜欢的人我却对他笑 直到有天我发现文字给我带来快乐,于是我开始不停的写 就像蒙着眼睛不断追逐那黑...
自我先容,简言之,就是在必要的社交场合,由自己担任先容的主角,自己将自己先容给其他人,以使对方熟悉自己。求职者在口试时如何做出色的自我先容呢?那就要了解相关方面的知识,现在为你推荐接待工作中的自我先容,仅供参考。 在社交活动中,如欲结识某个人或某些人,而又无人引见,如有可能,即可自己充当自己的...
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自我介绍是每一个在学校中都必然要经历的一件事情,下面是挑选较好的高中生自我介绍范文,供大家参考。1 高中生自我介绍 大家好,我是一名高中生。首先,我感到非常荣幸,顺利的成为了创新作文的一名会员。我,虽说是个男生,却是一个相对比较腼腆羞涩的男生。这就是我最真实的性格,而且这也是认识我的人都公认的...
先允许我自我介绍一下吧。 我叫王xx ;性别:女;籍贯:辽宁;出日:3月23日;身高:165mm;血型:b型;特:钢琴;舞蹈;性格:真实,快乐。 2019年毕业于沈阳音乐学院民族声乐系,同年考入中国东方歌舞团,任独唱演员。 艺术经历:2019年12月31日在人民大会堂给国家领导人演出,担任...
有一些面试是需要我们用英文去作自我介绍的,这个英文自我介绍要怎么说呢?来看看优秀的范文吧。下面是小编收集整理的面试自我介绍英文版,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 面试自我介绍英文版 Hello! My name is Chen Danqing My English name...
即将要开学了,你准备好自我介绍了吗?下面是挑选较好的高中开学自我介绍范文,供大家参考。1 高中开学自我介绍 XX老师,您好,我叫XXX,初中毕业于xx大学附属中学,以xxx分的成绩考入xx学院XX班,加入了这个全新的集体,对我来说是一个新的开始,我会尽快适应新的集体,并为集体贡献我的力量。...