英文研究生复试自我介绍it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for your interview. i wonder i can make a good performance.
now, please allow me to introduce a friend of mine. he comes from anhui province. after about 10 days later, we will celebrate his 21 years birthday. his undergraduate period will be accomplished in july. and now, he is trying his best for obtaining another key in his life to ustb.
i know he is a person with beliefs, confidence and perseverance. if he commits to do something, he will try his best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. he has the belief that he is unlimited. because he knows whatever you believe is what you will become. and he also understands that victory belongs to the most persevering!
the college life gives him a lot. he learned how to balance between study and entertainment. he learned how to take advantage of opportunities to learn something new. he learned how to get victory out of defeat. but the most important thing he learned is how to think.
his spend his most leisure time on astronomy, basketball, music, especially computer studying. he is an astronomical amateur. he has his own telescope. but it is a pity that in beijing you can hardly see any stars at night. light music is his favor. for example, banderi, gorge winston. of course, classic music is a good choice, too. he has passed the exam of national computer rank grade 3. he is the only one in the class. and he has just taken the exam of grade 4 which is the highest rank. the result will come out in several weeks.
that is my friend. you must want to know who he is. let me tell you, his name is z dongdong. it’s me.
appreciate for your listening. thank you very much.
同学们面试做自我介绍的时候记得一定要简短精炼。以下是小编收集的应届生求职自我介绍范文,希望大家认真阅读!应届生求职自我介绍范文1 回首三年的大学校园生活生涯和社会实践生活,有渴望、有追求、有成功也有失败,我孜孜不倦,不断地挑战自我,充实自己,为实现人生的价值打下坚实的基础。 在思想品德上,本...
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