
自荐信 2023-04-26 网络整理 可可


a good cover letter is a stepping stone to a successful job search, this article describes how to write application letters and cover letter attention, i hope for your help

1, cover letter writing format

(1) call specify the recipient"s name and said the fear or position, such as: × × × × × ×, mr. or ms. or × × × managers

(2) body:

general should have a beginning primer:

apply primer is stated in the traditional sources of information

2. a standard cover letter of the basic elements:

a standard cover letter include:

writing a cover letter reason: i learned from the recruitment information, the purpose of your application, add business reasons, what position you"re applying for;

introduce themselves, explain why you apply for jobs, ask your employer to do something for the future, not what they do for you;

concise highlight your relevant strengths, that is, why are you better suited to this position than others;

emphasized the training you received, your experience, skills and achievements;

at the end of paragraphs and make your request for further action, where you can suggest how to further contact, leaving can feel free to contact to your phone or address. of course, if the reader can thanked, the effect will be better, to our experience, many companies are now recruiting mission is a heavy, recruiters want to read a large number of resumes a day, a concern that will leave a deep greetings impression.

3. writing a cover letter note:

cover letter should be short, but it must be attractive, remember you have only a few seconds to attract your readers to read on. in the cover letter highlighting your background to the material and the future relationship between the content of most employers. recruiters are usually business-related information on its most sensitive, so you want your business and jobs with the most important information between the clear.

chien yi gai words, should not exhaustive. cover letter for a function just for your chance to interview, you do not think by a cover letter you can find a satisfactory job, and this wrong attitude will make you write the cover letter luoluosuosuo. recruiters heavy workload, time is precious, cover letter too long will make it significantly reduced the validity, in 1992 harvard institute of human resource data in a test report has proved this point, that is, a cover letter if the content is more than 400 words, then only 25% of its validity, that would only leave the reader to 1 / 4 of the contents of the impression.

should not have written the cuoe. a good cover letter can not only reflect your clear thinking and good presentation skills, but also examine the characteristics of your personality and career-oriented. so be sure to pay attention to the wording and language, and finished after reading through the few, crafted, should not have typos, do not words, wrong sentences and the arts and less fluent phenomenon. otherwise, you can make the cover letter "overshadowed" or bring a more negative impact.12

never oversold. see from the cover letter is not just a person"s experience, as well as character.

targeted and personalized cover letter allows you to hundreds of letters from the "stand out." many hiring managers say cover letters are now the most common question is "thousands of people side." indeed, the network to provide a more convenient job, but the face of thousands of jobs on the internet, and some job seekers with a "flying all" type of way to send a cover letter, in fact it is the hit rate low, the result is not only the "extensive cultivation" are not, but more a "broad types of non-revenue" end. the reason is simple, this fits, no targeted cover letter, recruiters see too much. at this point, targeted cover letter has become effective or not, the "lifeline." in addition, the individual is also very important. some cover letter without any rhetoric, nor any beautiful words, but makes time to feel warm, natural, real.

formal cover letter before sending it to the people around him look. this is also one of the cover letter writing techniques designed to avoid the generation of ambiguity, so that cover letter to better convey your message to convey.



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