
英文求职信 2022-07-29 网络整理 可可


dear sir,

application for temporary secretary

i am writing in response to your advertisement in the 30 april XX issue of for a temporary secretary.

a graduate of city commercial college, i am well trained and experienced in the duties of a professional secretary. i have taken a higher certificate in secretarial studies with languages, i am fairly fluent in english and mandarin. having work as a secretary for senior executives in xx trading company for three years, and in the international manufacturing company for two years before that, i believe that i have developed practical skills that would be useful to your company.

my past experience has given me a in-depth knowledge and thorough understanding of import-export trading business. in the last five years, i have also learnt the importance of being efficient and time management in my work. i am confident that these skills are required in being senior and professional secretarial staff.

i enclose my curriculum vitae for your consideration. if my qualifications interest you, i should be glad to come for an interview at any time convenient to you.

yours sincerely


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