
英文求职信 2022-06-22 网络整理 可可



  personal details

  name: miss. liang xiaoyan

  nationality: china (mainland)

  current place: guangzhou

  height/weight: 163 cm

  marital status: married

  age: 27 years

  career objective

  application type: jobseeker

  preferred job title: admin staff/assistant: assistant 、 shipping: 、 secretary/paper staff:

  working life: 3 title: no title

  job type: full time expected start date: in a day

  expected salary: ¥2,000--¥3,500 preferred working place: guangzhou

  work experience

  company's name: guangzhou sanny import and export co., ltdbegin and end date: XX-01-XX-08

  enterprise nature: private enterprisesindustry: mechnical & elecrical equipment/electrical power/power

  job title: foreign trader

  job description: responsibilities

  1> find new customers by internet; follow all the business for old customers.

  2> place new order to factory, follow producing process.

  3> prepare paper work for custom declaration and inspection.

  4> contact with shipping company, place booking and make sure the goods to be loaded without delay.


  1> learn the ability to negotiate with customers with price.

  2> have the ability to prepare the documents for custom and inspection.

  3> follow the daily jobs very carefully for customers so get the appreciation from them.

  reasons for leaving: private reason

  company's name: maersk global service centresbegin and end date: XX-06-XX-02

  enterprise nature: soly foreign funded enterprisesindustry: transportation

  job title: operation assistant

  job description: work as a senior information assistant in maersk global service centres, from june 18, XX.

  1>as a coordinator, play the leading role of a shift, monitor and arrange the task, communicate with other service centre if any emergency.

  2>do the weekly report and monthly report, and analyze the productivity for every teammate.

  3>plan the feasible connection routing for those tranship containers in singapore and malaysia after finish load and discharge. meanwhile, not only do a prompt update for our internal system, but also need to inform the terminal and make the system been updated as soon as possible.

  above work experiences, first bring up the fast learning ability to accepty significant new information, since customs regulations and operation system are updated everyday. second, need to have a swift reaction capacity in order to deal with any emergency, such as change of vessel or change of destination basic of customer’s requirements.

  reasons for leaving: campany close down

  educational background

  name of school: guangdong university of business studies

  highest degree: bachelor date of graduation: XX-06-01

  name of major 1: business english name of major 2:

  education experience: start date end date education organization majors certificate certificate no

  XX-04 lanzhou university public works management

  language ability

  foreign language: english level: perfect

  chinese level: perfect cantonese level: good

  relevant skills and abilities

  hv a good command of english, hv past tem-8,cet-6, bec-vantage






  三年来,我在师友的严格教益下,不断努力,现已经具备了扎实的专业基础知识和较好的英语听、说、读、写等能力,能够熟练地操作计算机办公软件(如 word、excel、ppt等)。在校期间,我利用课余时间涉猎了大量的书籍,不但充实了自己的大学生活,还培养了自己多方面的技能。同时,我还积极参加合种社会活动,具备良好的团队合作精神,较善于进行社交活动,更拥有了组织各种活动的经验。






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