
推荐信 2023-12-13 网络整理 可可




  Dear Professors,

  As Zhangjing’s lecturer of managerial economics for the first term of the Minor Program, I was deeply impressed with her outstanding performance .I believe the professionalism, top-tier teaching resources, and worldwide reputation of your university will provide an ideal platform for Zhang to study. Therefore, I hope you can give her an opportunity to make the most use of her potential.

  I was deeply impressed with Zhang’s academic strength and outstanding learning ability demonstrated in my class. I still remember that she corrected my mistake, when other students did not even realize I was wrong. Then she came to me and explained the mistake to me. And it turned out that I was picturing the diagram by mistake. Then she also explained her solution to me which turned out a more lucid one. When I explained her solution to other students, they also can understand it. I then understood that her knowledge in her major played a significant role in studying Economics. Also Zhang’s logical thinking left a deep impression on me. When she interpreted her train of thought to me, I can understand her without any difficultly.

  After class I also had some communication with Zhang and did enjoy the conversation with her. Once she asked me something concerning stock. I told her what I had known and discussed some question with her. She even connected the stock with the whole economic circumstance in China and did some comparison about the general economic environment between the west countries and China. I can feel her aspiration about learning Economics. She is really good at communicating and I felt comfortable and easy to talk to her. She can always put herself in other’s shoes and you will be understood during the communication very well. I firmly believe that, with these great abilities and an outgoing characteristic, she can fulfill her expectation in the way she chose.

  According to what I know about Zhang, I believe she definitely has the ability to accomplish the program in your school. Therefore, it is my honor to recommend Zhang Jing for admission to your graduate program. If any further information is required, please feel free to contact me


  Ma Mingxiao, Associate Professor

  Department of liberal arts

  Xidian Universit


  university of international business and economics

  beijing 100029, p. r. china

  sept. 28, 1998

  dear colleagues:

  this is to recommend ms. shan shan, a graduate from this university’s department of international business management, for acceptance into your mba program.

  i have known ms. shan as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual since 1990, when she attended a lecture i delivered, at which she asked perceptive and challenging questions. although she did not officially take a course with me, she often consulted me on issues arising out of her studies. i therefore have come to know her well. i feel strongly that ms. shan’s unusual talents and abilities will stand her in good stead for a quality mba education, which should serve as a major boost to her career.

  while at this university, ms. shan was an outstanding student, boasting excellent performance in all subjects of her studies and demonstrating great potential. her overall gpa ranked her among the top 3 in her class of 40 students. but ms. shan was no bookworm devoted exclusively to exams. she read extensively in subjects outside her major, particularly in business law, marketing, finance and journalism, all of which seemed to be fascinating to her. in recognition of her intellectual strengths, the department offered, at the time of her graduation, to accept her into its graduate without the normally mandatory examinations. she, however, turned down the offer. a highly independent woman, she already had her own agenda set. she wanted to obtain practical management experience first and then proceed to pursue a master’s degree in business administrative in your country. she apparently made the right decision, for she has since become one of our most successful graduates in her crop of students.

  ms. shan is good at communicating in both oral and written english. some of he most important undergraduate courses were taught by american professors, many of whom considered her oral english as native and her written english as standard. i am sure that she has since improved her english a lot more in her professional life.

  in ms. shan, we all saw an optimistic and easy-going character. with highly unusual determination, she is not to be daunted by any difficulties. she believes that, with hard work, she can achieve anything she wants. i think her confidence in herself is well grounded in her track record, especially when considering the fact that she entered into this university as the daughter of a most impoverished family, but graduated as a top student.

  judging by what i know of her, i think ms. shan is fully qualified to pursue an mba degree in your program. i therefore recommend her with enthusiasm. and i shall greatly appreciate if you can favorably consider her application for admission and financial aid.

  yours sincerely


  Prof. Dr. 0000

  Center for Fluorescence and Spectroscopy

  Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

  University of Maryland School of Medicine

  725 West Lombard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201,


  (410)706-8409, FAX: (410)706-8408

  Dear Prof. Dr. 0000

  I take great pleasure in writing this letter of recommendation for Dr. 0000 to support his application for a postdoctoral position in your lab. Dr. 000 is an outstanding graduate student working for the M.S. degree under my supervision. In my contact with him in the University, his creativity and attitude to research work gave me deep impression. He always proposed new ideas on his research and could

  resolve problems by himself, I was very satisfied with him. Dr 000 has been working on molecular luminescence research about six years. As I know, most of his researches have been concentrated on bioanalytical chemistry in his Masters work, such as protein and nucleic acids assays etc. In these fields, Dr. 000 has strong background and research ability. He has and would be published several papers in international journals. I am often interested in reading his papers in publication and discussing with him. I am very appreciated of his research ability. Dr 0000 also possesses very fine character. He is a devoted research worker. He works on weekends. He is an honest and smart, reliable and responsible person, and is very cooperative too. Based on these qualities, I believe this young man will achieve greater academic success in his future work. Therefore, I strongly support his application, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could give him your favorable consideration.

  Please feel free to contact me if I can answer any additional questions about 00000. My address is as follows:

  Professor 00000


  P. R. China

  Your Sincerely

  Professor of Analytical Chemistry


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