
推荐信 2023-12-01 网络整理 可可
















推荐信样本:工作--主管(含军队、同事、客户)主管推荐信(2) | 返回目录

Dear Admissions Committee:

I was told by Second Lieutenant John Doe of his decision to apply to your esteemed University"s doctoral degree program in international relations, which is his first choice for graduate education, and am therefore writing this letter to support his application. Having been Second Lieutenant Doe"s supervisor at the Army Medical Service School of Republic of China during the past one and half years, I believe that I am justified to provide accurate assessment on his sound educational potential.

Several evidences I have learned from Second Lieutenant Doe convinced me that he will be able to perform outstandingly in his educational and professional pursuits: Firstly, Second Lieutenant Doe is very bright. He presently holds a bachelor"s and master"s degree in international relation from ABC University, and finished school in the first place from both programs. Secondly, although being a young officer, Second Lieutenant Doe has been able to perform independently and effectively, learning quickly on the job and fulfilling his military assignments. I consider the maturity and performance he displays is equivalent to colleagues of three to four years of seniority to him.

I have been impressed by Lieutenant Doe"s ability to come up with innovative ideas to teach classes. As Second Lieutenant and Instructor he never sticks to old rules and is always seeking new methods to pursue further effectiveness and efficiency. The very positive performance made by Second Lieutenant Doe has been constantly repeated throughout his military service. I believe it was his strong ambition to succeed and his willingness to take charge of challenging situations that made him stand out. With his sound creativity, teamwork spirit, communication and interpersonal skills, Second Lieutenant Doe has no difficulty to earn confidence from both his superiors and colleagues in his ability to handle assignments. Based on the recognition of his contribution, Second Lieutenant Doe has been nominated and selected to receive the prestigious "Outstanding Reserved Military Instructor Award of the Year" given by the Chinese Army Headquarters. Among more than seventy reserved officers in our school, only five of them were selected to receive this award. I believe this adds another solid evidence of Second Lieutenant Doe"s capability to attain appreciation and recognition in an organization.

I am confident to say, without any reservation, that Second Lieutenant Doe is one of the most commendable young reserved officers I have ever had in many years. Second Lieutenant Doe"s potential is excellent, making him one of the most promising individual I have ever seen. I have the least doubt that he will become very successful in his future educational and professional pursuits. In conclusion, I hope this letter can convince your esteemed Admissions Committee of Second Lieutenant Doe"s exemplary potential. I can assure your esteemed Admissions Committee that Second Lieutenant Doe"s attendance will be a mutually beneficial one to both him and your School. I give his my high recommendation and wish his the best in his future endeavors.

Sincerely yours,

推荐信样本:研究单位--老师、主管主管推荐信(3) | 返回目录

The Office of Admissions

The Graduate School of Business

The University of Chicago

November 22, 1997

To whom it may concern:

I am pleased to offer this letter of reference for Miss Janet Jackson. In the past three years of our professional acquaintance, Janet has performed exceptionally well as an advertising professional. I have never had any reason to doubt her outstanding performance and excellent professionalism. She has done a wonderful job in the management of our advertising account with her company , XXX Advertising. I am sure that the size of our account is one of the largest within her agency, and that her appointment to our particular account was a significant professional achievement.

First as an account executive and then account manager, Janet has exhibited exceptional interpersonal skills that are required in the often complicated issues that arise in the production of an advertising campaign. An excellent organizer, Janet has always relayed the concerns and requirements of the many departments involved in an advertising campaign. Coordination skills are a must in this industry, and she has performed exceedingly well in this area. The ability to communicate and arrange the many tasks in this industry, she has always performed with maturity. I have witnessed her professional growth, from a young hard working junior member to one that is mature and confident in all her business dealings. I have never doubted her ability, in some instances, I have been rather impressed by her performance.

I believe that creativity is a must for all professionals who wish to succeed in the advertising industry. Janet has demonstrated this ability through the thoughtful and creative production of many innovative marketing campaigns. In one particular instance, she provided exceptional leadership in the development of one of XXXs advertising campaigns for Kellogg. This marketing campaign involved the creation of a recipe book to accompany one of our leading consumer products, YYY. I believe that this campaign very successfully promoted our product in the local Taiwan market.

I have been very happily associated with Janet professionally for the past three years. She has handled all the difficult challenges of the advertising industry with relative ease, and is an extremely pleasant person to deal with. I am confident that she will succeed in her future career in the advertising industry and also confident that her further academic pursuits will be met with similar success. Janet brings along a large amount of enthusiasm to every project. I believe that her colleagues have recognized the amount of hard work that she has contributed, and I am certain that many of her professional acquaintances have been equally impressed with her. I will miss her in the capacity of our account representative, yet I would like to wish her all the confidence in her pursuit in your excellent MBA program.

工作单位主管工作推荐信主管推荐信(4) | 返回目录



  xxx同志xxxx年于xx大学xxxx专业本科毕业,于xxxx年到我公司工作,先后在何岗位(部门)担任 等职务。


  xxx同志有丰富基层工作经验,长期从事 专业工作,具有较强的管理能力和综合协调能力。经过多年的学习和锻炼,xxx同志已经成为一名符合时代发展要求、综合素质较高的复合型人才,有热情有能力适应各种工作的挑战。







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