
求职信 2021-09-06 网络整理 可可


dear teacher:

**** we are the parents, our school"s teaching conditions and experimental class teacher, school not to admire the results. our children are now going to primary school leavers, they are issued a special application to your school, your school would like to enter the experimental classes, i hope that teachers be taken into account, such as children and we all hope will be an opportunity to interview your school. (polite words, there should be some, but not too wordy)

here, i would like teachers to tell us about the situation of children:

*** my child is in primary schools in beijing, from the school since the students have been miyoshi, children in all aspects of the school are very prominent, and the school curriculum would not have said, all excellent. (a brief description on)

other extra-curricular learning in children is also very good, especially the mathematical olympiad results: has been renhua school (if you can describe), has been a school mathematics classes, free time also participated in a number of competitions for example, in the fourth, fifth grade, when in the "hope cup" have been made (described in results), when the sixth grade also participated in the "spring festival cup." (this section of the primary school level to participate in all competitions for the mathematical olympiad detailed description).

children learning in the liberal arts are also very good, in the spare time to learn a new concept, cambridge english, passed the examinations *** (such as cambridge, the three-tier, public-level achievements, etc.). in language learning is also achieved very good results, in the "spring bud cup" also has won numerous awards. more importantly, the ability to express the child"s very prominent, strong writing skills. (this section of the primary school level to participate in the english language to describe in detail).

more valuable is the children"s interest in learning a very strong performance out of things is also a strong thirst for knowledge. asked anything like what really happened. in addition the children also demonstrated more children than the average learning ability, a lot of things are a school that is so, the capacity is indeed very strong. (this paragraph should be described in detail, to make people feel that the child"s interest in learning and learning capability)

another child is also a wide range of hobbies, like playing chess, computers, model and so on. (what is necessary to describe what, i would write, did not write).

children in life is a respected teacher, respecting and caring for the young child, when nothing at home to much like the old grandparents in a foreign land phone chat, when the bus seat back to the elderly, children in schools and very good relationship between the children, also served as a squadron leader from office, which has also been recognized by many teachers. (this paragraph should be described in detail, this is the beginning of child life, it is very important) 12

children described their own. (this allows the children to carry out an assessment of their own, described in this paragraph is also important, it is best to write about).

look forward to hearing from you!


salute! 12


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