〖name〗cocoon huang 〖sex〗male 〖native place〗guangdong prov. meizhou city 〖date of birth〗1979.10 〖school〗 zhongshan university, guangzhou 〖degree〗 master 〖major〗 applied mathematics 〖direction〗 image processing and pattern recognition 〖tel〗 020-84112378 〖e-mail〗 〖homepage〗 〖address〗 grade 02 master, maths department, zhongshan university, guangzhou 510275 objectivea teacher in college engaged in basic teaching and research, especially in applied mathematics, software design, pattern recognition and computer vision. a position in a company offering the opportunity to utilize my professional expertise such as software research and development, information management and analysis. educationtimeschoolremark1992.9--1998.7meixian gaoji schoolget excellent achievement in study, be recommend for admission to high school, be commissary for study and sport of the class.1998.9--2002.7zhongshan universitymajor in applied mathematics and minor in computer software, be well in study, especially in the main courses of mathematics, be assistant monitor of the class.2002.9--2005.7zhongshan universityapplied mathematics, digital image processing and pattern recognition, fallow d. q. dai. do well in study and be monitor of the class.
computer abilitiesprogram language: c/c++(excellent), pascal, sql(fluent), asp, javascript, matlab.development platform: delphi(familiar), cbuilder, visual c, turbo c, dreamweaver.program interface and class library: windows sdk, vcl, mfcdatabase: sql sever(fluent), oracle(know about) operating system and protocol: windows 95/98/2000,linux,tcp/iptheory base: data structure, discrete maths, database system, operating system.project: solve linear program problem, integration affair management system, management system for clothing manufactory, , etc. mathematicswell-established in wavelet analysis and image processing. fluent in main mathematic courses such as mathematics analysis, linear algebra, differential eguation, probability and statistic, real function, functional analysis, etc. languages skillpassed the cet. 4 and cet. 6, have a certain degree of both spoken and written english. be good at reading english papers to research and development. research- 2002.9 - now center of computer vision, maths dept., zhongshan university involved in wavelet analysis, pattern recognition, multi-statistics, image processing, computer vision, etc. and took part in some scientific and teaching projects.realized a new image fusion algorithm based on wavelet and get good effect.realized some common algorithms for face recognition such as pca and lda.realized some image compress algorithms such as based on fft, dct,fwt.realized a face recognition algorithm based on support vector machine.be studying the application of wavelet packet in face algorithm, and be ready to write a paper "a new method for face recognition based on local discriminant bases and fisherface".took part in some learned meeting.be a teacher of "network and database", which is the main course of grade 2001, adult education, and get well remark. in the next term, i will continue to be the teacher of a course about network.
qualifications well-established professional knowledge, wide knowledgeactive, responsible, reliable and hardworking, self-confident, cooperative.
基本信息 姓 名: 个人求职简历性 别: 女 民 族: 汉族出生年月: 1987年9月12日证件号码:婚姻状况: 未婚身 高: 163cm体 重: 50kg户 籍: 四川达县现所在地: 四川成都毕业学校: 西华大学学 历: 专科专业名称: 食品生物技术毕业年份: XX年工作年限: 二...
很多人,他们在大学时很刻苦,一心关注学业,但是可能忽视了自我能力的全面提升;同时,成就感和自信积累得不够充足,对自己的能力优势和性格优势挖掘得不深。这才会,到了准备写简历找工作的时候,发现问题来了:没东西可写。 事实上,现在用人单位在招聘员工时,更看重招聘者本身的综合素质与公司价值的契合度,在...
为大家推荐的是生物医学求职简历范文 姓名: 性别:男 民族:壮族 最终学历:本科生毕业 毕业学校:中南民族大学 出生年月: 毕业时间:XX年秋 学院:电子信息工程学院 专业:生物医学工程 政治面貌:中国共产主义青年团员 身高:169cm健康状况:良好生源地:广西 固定电话...
销售自我介绍 我性格开朗、思维活跃;拥有年轻人的朝气蓬勃,做事有责任心,条理性强;易与人相处,对工作充满热情,勤奋好学,敢挑重担,具有很强的团队精神和协调能力。在为人方面,我诚实善良、开朗自信,能够吃苦。在生活中,我尊敬他人,能够和别人友好相处,现在我唯一的不足就是应届毕业,还没有足够的工作经...
本站为大家推荐一篇简历范文供有需要的朋友们求职使用,希望对大家有帮助:姓 名: 性 别:目前所在: 广州 年 龄: 22户口所在: 广州 国 籍: 中国婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族求职意向人才类型: 不限 应聘职位: 客服及技术支持, 人事专员 助理, 行政专员 助理...
现在推荐一篇汽车售后类的简历范文给大家参考,希望对大家求职有帮助:目前所在: 广州 年 龄: 22 户口所在: 揭阳 国 籍: 中国婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族培训认证: 未参加 身 高: 175 cm 诚信徽章: 未申请 体 重: 60 kg 人才 测评: 未测评 我的特长:...
介绍一篇简历范文基本信息姓名: 性别: 女 年龄: 22 岁 身高: 170cm求职意向最近工作过的职位: 统计员期望岗位性质: 全职期望工作地: 寿光市区期望月薪: 1500~XX元 每月期望从事的岗位: 外贸业务员期望从事的行业: 互联网 电子商务 会计 审计 金融(银行 保险) 物业管理 商业...
以下是xx求职网小编为你精心编辑的一份数据通信员求职简历范文,希望在求职的道路上能助你一臂之力! 个人基本信息 姓名: 性别:* 年龄:**岁 出生日期:**** 身高 体重:***cm **kg 联系方式 联系电话: 电子邮箱: 有*年的工作经验 最近工作 [ 1年8个月]...
***求职简历 目前所在地: 番禺区 民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 江西 身材: 162 cm 49 kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 31 联系方式 电话号码: 电子邮箱: 求职意向及工作经历 人才类型: 普通求职 应聘职位: 采购员 助理、 工作年限: 10 职称: 无职称...
以下是由分享的简历范文 姓 名 性别 民族 政治面貌 户籍 出生年月 婚姻状况教育经历 技术职称 注册会计师 文化程度 本科主修专业 商业企业管理毕业学校 北京金融学院联系方式 联系电话 邮政编码...