name:xxx sex: female photos
marital status:
married date of birth: october 1979
han height: 160cm
undergraduate residence: tangshan
computer capability:
junior titles: college of physicians
graduate school:
north china coal medical college
clinical medicine
area are:
henan hebi
language ability: english (proficiency) mandarin (skilled)
education / training
from years to years
the name of the school / professional training institutions / course certificate
north china coal medical college clinical 1999.9-XX.7
skills / expertise
computer skills:
examinations at the national level through the computer to the basic proficiency in computer operation
related skills:
while studying at the school successfully passed four national english, a national computer, successfully passed the final examination and successfully complete their studies, a bachelor"s degree. after graduating from the henan hebi coal group crane internal medicine general hospital to participate in clinical work to date. my hospital is a medical, teaching integrated into the secondary-level hospitals, the hospital has 550 beds, a variety of medical facilities, units complete, a total of six departments of internal medicine, medicine for heart and kidney, endocrinology, department of neurology,老干hematologists, respiratory medicine, digestive medicine. i entered the hospital, has chosen to work in medicine, the hospital requires the department six months after the scheduled rotation, respectively, sections, therefore i am in july XX to february XX in the heart of internal medicine; march XX to august XX in endocrinology ; from september XX to february XX in the department of neurology; march XX hematologists老干work so far in learning, in this period, i successfully passed the national examination of clinical practitioners; adopted in henan province clinicians standardized medical examination level ii. learning the hard work and willing to study, do not fear hardship, and norms of medical writing, is in control of common diseases and frequently-occurring disease of the sections of the clinic; encountered emergency patients, to think carefully about calm, do not fear chaos, deft movements; basic grasp of the chest to wear , lumbar puncture, the puncture骨穿technology, with an independent patient"s ability to deal with, have been on behalf of teachers, the panel chairmen and the house leadership at home. if your house to receive me, i would like to have given the power of my mind, and your hospital to join hands in creating brilliant!
work experience
i have 2 years on a work experience.
main notes:
july XX ~ august XX, hebi city, henan province general hospital, he was appointed physician.
work experience in detail:
after graduating from the henan hebi coal group crane internal medicine general hospital to participate in clinical work to date. my hospital is a medical, teaching integrated into the secondary-level hospitals, the hospital has 550 beds, a variety of medical facilities, units complete, a total of six departments of internal medicine, medicine for heart and kidney, endocrinology, department of neurology,老干hematologists, respiratory medicine, digestive medicine. i entered the hospital, has chosen to work in medicine, the hospital requires the department six months after the scheduled rotation, respectively, sections, therefore i am in july XX to february XX in the heart of internal medicine; march XX to august XX in endocrinology ; from september XX to february XX in the department of neurology; march XX hematologists老干work so far in learning, in this period, i successfully passed the national examination of clinical practitioners; adopted in henan province clinicians standardized medical examination level ii. learning the hard work and willing to study, do not fear hardship, and norms of medical writing, is in control of common diseases and frequently-occurring disease of the sections of the clinic; encountered emergency patients, to think carefully about calm, do not fear chaos, deft movements; basic grasp of the chest to wear , lumbar puncture, the puncture骨穿technology, with an independent patient"s ability to deal with, have been on behalf of teachers, the panel chairmen and the house leadership at home.
job intentions
type of work sought: full-time
i hope to work type: health care / beauty care - dentists
hope that the work function:
hope that the working areas: zhejiang shanghai chongqing
到岗time: at any time到岗
treatment requirements: negotiable wages can.
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