
个人简历制作 2023-03-20 网络整理 可可


radish vegetables, all have love. in general, employment sector for the curriculum vitae of the screening is different. of course, it is not common. in conversations with human resource managers found that the authenticity of the content is one of the criteria identified in line; informative, not lengthy compared notes authorized people; those designed close to the art and pictures according to the notes, then rarely voted in favor of employers.
running resume, job seekers looking for work is the first step, and resume will become the stepping stone job. whether there is the opportunity to participate in the next step of the assessment to work to win the opportunity to look at this whole good stepping stone. from the business point of view, how to deal with curriculum vitae is a key step in selection of personnel. well, major corporations, enterprises and how the selection of this resume? now, on the introduction of the following nine high standards to measure the specific curriculum vitae.
professional schools look at the background and then pick
china mobile to take the recruitment of a variety of ways, including job fairs, newspapers, magazines, search, etc., are used to recruit the largest number of the network. at the same time, recruitment will be targeted at projects, campus recruitment, social recruitment and internal competition. mobile has a lot of work to be outsourced to professionals site, thereby resume screening, written tests and interviews followed an established procedure and standards. an excellent candidate for mobile professionals, need to go through the following procedures:
resume screening software system → artificial selection the first round of interview notes → → → the second round of written interview
automated software system will be adopted to examine five aspects of the selection of notes, that is, schools and professional, academic performance, class ranking, english language ability and project experience. these are the top five candidates stumbling block china mobile. favor of those from china mobile focus on institutions, professional counterparts in the university students, and school background, english proficiency, as well as prominent as a squad leader, cadres and students, community organizer experience, candidates will become china mobile"s bright points.
brief curriculum vitae of the most popular
first of all, abb is the status of each job description to the selection and recruitment needs of the curriculum vitae. , the human resources manager to select the curriculum vitae sent to the corresponding business sector in the second round of screening. manager in the business sector and human resource managers in communication, consultation, resulting in a list of interviews.
a clean, concise resume abb is one of the most welcome, the length of 2-3 in the paper more appropriate. personal information, work experience, more close to the description of the requirements of the post recruitment easier chance to win the short-listed, and those who have special exquisite花里胡哨or curriculum vitae, and not on popularity. cv of the real content is the focus of our examination.
curriculum vitae for fresh graduates, abb will pay more attention to the other side of the associated social experiences, for example, which participated in social activities, whether as a student cadres. and the recruitment of community staff, each other"s work experience is one of the most concern. in fact, abb group"s sales staff also need to strictly professional educational background and industry experience.
job-seekers from the cv to determine the characteristics of thinking
the market is a big rush and paste the art according to the biographical notes and pictures, beijing matsushita electronics co., ltd. do not agree. enterprise employment is based on job requirements and individual circumstances to choose, but there is no good resume and then a decisive role, in particular, so graduates should not produce more cv.
as the basis of cv screening, we focused on the needs of different positions, there will be the focus of a different study. for example, the recruitment of skilled personnel, and look at the cv graduates pay more attention to their professional accomplishments, whether or not there have been at school-related work; if the recruitment of management personnel, in addition to look at professional and academic study, but also pay attention to him in school as students at work, to participate in social activities. curriculum vitae of staff to see the community, in addition to the hardware must meet the recruitment needs of outside jobs, mainly to look at his work experience.
in fact, the biographical notes in the text of the information disclosed is very important. the other statements in their own language, the language means the level of cv writing, logic, fluency, focus, and can reveal the characteristics of the author"s thinking.
unknown candidates to apply for jobs is not the first choice for lucent
sent a lot of people expressed the hope that the notes only to lucent, but it failed to apply for jobs. even if the candidates have to write an incomplete curriculum vitae, i would think that the problem is not his ability is too careless, this is not the first choice for lucent"s personnel. there are biographical notes on the sex column is not written for men and women with xy chromosomes to show that people dumbfounding. cv layout is clean, in line with the norms, clarity is the best, and we usually do not mind photos, but not too simple.
examine the details of professional integrity
see notes usually pay attention to the integrity of the content, authenticity, continuity of the work of candidates and stability. lucent and other candidates do not mind the work experience, lack of a good education background and work interruptions, but it will hide and to deceive the company to your personal integrity and professional ethics have doubts. to this end, we will be concerned about whether or not resume the description of the details of the conflict. lucent will be the preservation of the curriculum vitae of each vote to establish a curriculum vitae file. on one occasion, i saw two different delivery time, but the content almost identical to the cv. however, before doing a resume of work experience of teachers, but after a resume is the experience of selling to do. i guess he would like nothing more than to strengthen the sales experience and background to increase the competitiveness positions. many people have not been very good university education and regret, it will resume in the educational background blurred out. in fact, he did not write it is more suspect. in addition, many candidates also know that business is very concerned about the continuity of occupation, some people may not work for some time, but will resume in a certain period of time to return to work, these will be checked when doing background checks out.
reflected by the number of individual performance
job experience, and when the time a company should be on accuracy rather than the years. the full name of the company to have (also can be briefed on the company), positions held and where the name of the name of the department, the main job duties, such as the main performance. can also be a brief introduction on the superior-subordinate relationship, such as the direct supervisor of the posts, under the jurisdiction of the number of subordinates. we are more accustomed to using the number of words, "very good", "made a great contribution to" these terms are inappropriate. it would be changed to "i completed a number of sales, the number of linked companies." if the figures are far too sensitive to inappropriate expression, the percentage can be used, or to express recognition of enterprises can also be written on the certificate obtained. some not so easy to quantify the sales department, for example, the executive branch, through the maintenance of office equipment and procurement, lower costs, customer satisfaction, timely maintenance, such as how to make notes; hr department through customer satisfaction, recruitment cycle, the post match, such as to reflect the turnover rate.
resume out of the "water" has brilliant idea
speaking of resume screening, procedures are two. first, the general screening, primarily on the basis of gender, profession, age-out; and then fine-election, depending on work experience, the level of technology. in the same conditions, when more than one choice, education is often dominant.
each job in real estate to live the total number of fresh graduates from recruit to recruit the total number of accounts for 10% ~ 20%. view resume of fresh graduates, the main counterparts to see whether professional, success in school, participate in social activities, such as social work.
to become an experienced human resources manager, in the eye tell "monkey king", it is important to have a few small abstruse. first of all, the job seekers and positions held with the role of the corresponding examination. for example, the original as the other side is a large company in charge of the general staff, then, the company"s human resources development plan, the pay structure of the work of such important decision-making, it is impossible for him to complete independence. therefore, if the other party at this point to exaggerate the performance, it will露出破绽. second, job seekers should be careful to distinguish the authenticity of the original salary. according to the original post the other side, industry background, company background and so on, job-seekers to determine whether the number of the original real wage. if the original which is a common low-profit industry jobs, job seekers want to exaggerate their own annual income, as reflected in its heart.


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