
个人简历制作 2023-03-17 网络整理 可可


personal information

name: lee **
sex: female
date of birth: november 1978
phone: (86) 136 ******

work experience

so far XX/05--
consumer communication co., ltd. shenzhen **
--- account manager responsible for large customers: zte, simcom, huitong, ivt, unismobile
description of work experience:
1. is responsible for oem, odm business development and corporate strategy for major clients, market, business management.
2. responsible for the contract negotiations, drafting of amendments to contracts, business negotiations and market forecast.
3. assist in the development of oem, odm sector annual goals, work plan for implementation.
4. directly with customer projects and organizations charged with production and shipping operations, and internal departments to collaborate and co-ordination, responsible for clients to maximize the company"s human and material resources to complete the customer orders and the provisions of the performance.
5. in charge of customer operations for export orders, export work.
6. responsible for the company"s own-brand business development of overseas orders, exports and foreign sales, the consolidation of overseas markets.
7. cebit exhibition to participate in communication, as exhibitors, and actively expand overseas market operators.
8. submitted to analysis of market intelligence.

希普里欧industrial co., ltd.
--- business sector managers responsible for their own mobile phones, customers and suppliers outside the management of the association
description of work experience:
1. is responsible for market research and development programs, business management and business management departments of the internal day-to-day work.
2. to assist organizations to develop the leadership of the company"s annual business plan, the implementation of control plans.
3. the direct leadership of the tripartite cooperation projects and organizations in the planning and operation.
4. in charge of overseas business of the whole operation, development, export and foreign sales, the consolidation of overseas markets.
5. placing the work of human reserve.
6. submitted to analysis of market intelligence.
7. product line project management.
8. president of the coordination office of things.

XX/04 - XX/07
communication co., ltd. qingdao haier cct
description of work experience:

- responsible for the implementation of export contracts, conduct business negotiations and market forecasts;
- responsible for cleaning up inventory and to open up overseas markets;
- in the production sector in accordance with market requirements and customer feedback together to improve product yields and improve the work;
- production and the production of progress with the plans and amendments to schedules;

XX/07 - XX/04
jing city technology group (gbm)
business development commissioner
description of work experience:
- responsible for the contract negotiations, drafting of amendments to contracts, business negotiations and market forecasts;
- in sales and marketing departments into a new product markets;
- the production of manufactured products needed for equipment purchase list and in the test and acceptance verification engineers;
- assist in the quality of projects completed and the necessary production quality control, quality management documents;
- to assist departments and related materials supplier negotiations, and the engineering department to provide the cost of products analysis;
- production and the production of progress with the plans and amendments to schedules;

education and training as well as overseas assignment

1997.9 - XX.6 period of shijiazhuang university of economics (university of the state directly under the ministry of land and resources) to learn
major: business management; minor: financial management
bachelor of science degree in management
XX.09 - XX.12 during the second foreign language university in beijing training center for learning german
majoring in: german
XX.01 - XX.06 lin during the shanghai science and technology center for a long time to learn
quality management system (iso 9001: XX) auditor training courses
XX.03 - XX.04 in germany, france as the cebit exhibitors to participate in expo comm.


english: fluent (listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation), national certificate 6
german: general
spanish: getting started


test a-level mandarin XX/06
XX/01 cet6 (6 countries in english)
XX/01 state 2 (computer language --- foxbase +)


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