
个人简历制作 2022-12-21 网络整理 可可




  anna king address: 15 sample rd melbourne vic 3000

  email: a.king@jxue.com

  home phone: (123) 9999-1234

  work phone: (123) 9999-5678

  employment history

  marketing manager (melbourne)  1995-present time

  the wine and food emporium


  -manage a staff of 18 people

  -liaise with advertising agencies (above and below the line) and brief in all campaigns

  -responsible for $15 million dollar advertising budget and $80 million turnover

  -launched two new brands onto national market gaining 15 per cent and 22 per cent market share respectively within two years, earning the mia’s 1998 award for best new product.

  -generated over $200,000 of free trade-journal publicity

  marketing research manager  1990-1996

  di pastio pasta products (queensland)


  -merchandise products in supermarkets - 78 stores

  -build in-store promotional displays (12 product lines)

  -liaise with store managers and advise on re-ordering quantities (increased average store buy by 28 per cent in six months)

  -maximise shelf display coverage and facings

  -managed and co-ordinated 28 sales promotional events per year.


  university of queensland, bachelor of business (marketing) 1996

  seacliff tafe, associate diploma in marketing 1986


  platforms: apple, ibm

  software: windows 95, word 6, excel, powerpoint, pagemaker, internet-trained

  typing: 65 wpm


  train the trainer accreditation

  special skills

  co-author of seven articles for "marketing management" magazine

  key note speaker at the international mia annual conference attended by 2,500 industry professionals

  board member for "life skills for youth" organisation and head of mentoring programme.

  french (fluent in speech and written)


  available on request.


  anna king address: 15 sample rd. melbourne vic 3000

  email: a.king@jxue.com

  work phone: (03) 999 5678


  a position in senior marketing management with an internationally focussed premium food, wine or produce company. seeking to expand management and team-building skills and build solid brands throughout the world. available to relocate locally or internationally.

  summary of skills


  -managed a marketing team of 18 people, telemarketing teams of 75 people and a $15 million dollar advertising budget. responsible for the client/agency liaison between mainstream, below-the-line and data management agencies. responsible for the overall profitability of five brands, four of which are market leaders in both share and volume.

  product development

  -responsible for the launch of two brands onto the national market with each brand gaining a market share of 15 per cent and 22 per cent respectively within two years.


  -prepared quarterly and annual budget reports. presented and reviewed the forecasts to senior management and represented the australian management team at the international mia conference held in chicago last december.

  marketing research

  -co-ordinated focus groups (24 per year) and managed a team of 75 in-store market researchers to conduct field demonstrations. presented research findings to management teams, which used the information as the basis for their product development plans, resulting in the extension of a brand that brought in sales of $2.1 million in the 97-98 financial year.


  -ground floor experience in sales and merchandising with international fast-moving packaged goods company. territory manager for north western region covering 78 stores, 12 product lines and approximately 28 sales promotional events per year.

  staff training

  -accredited’train the trainer’instructor. initiator of the mentoring programme at’life skills for youth’organisation and now board member.

  public speaking

  -key note presenter at the annual mia conference and regular guest speaker at cpi award nights.


  -fluent in both apple and ibm platforms; proficient in excel, word 6, powerpoint, pagemaker. typing = 65 wpm. internet trained.

  published works

  -co-authored seven articles for the’marketing management’magazine.


  -fluent in french, both written and spoken.

  work history

  1996-present time: the wine and food emporium, melbourne

  marketing manager

  1990-1996: di pastio pasta products, queensland

  marketing research manager

  1987-1989: faber biscuits pty ltd, melbourne

  territory manager (part-time)


  university of queensland, bachelor of business (marketing), 1996

  seacliff tafe, associate diploma in marketing, 1986


  mr p prentice, di pastio products

  ph: (07) 999 7788

  ms d schwimmer, faber biscuits

  ph: (03) 999 4321


  anna king address: 15 sample rd melbourne vic 3000

  email: a.king@jxue.com

  mobile: (123) 4561-2378

  work phone: (123) 4561-2378


  senior marketing manager


  nine years in sales and marketing with a broad range of experience from ground-floor sales and merchandising to marketing management with an international producer and exporter of fine food and wine.


  -managed a marketing team of 18 people, telemarketing teams of 75 people and was responsible for a $15 million dollar advertising budget. responsible for the client/agency liaison between mainstream, below-the-line and data management agencies. responsible for the overall profitability of five brands, four of which are market leaders in both share and volume.

  product development

  -launched two brands onto the national market with each brand gaining a market share of 15 per cent and 22 per cent respectively within two years.


  -prepared quarterly and annual budget reports. presented and reviewed the forecasts to senior management and represented the australian management team at the international mia conference held in chicago last december.

  marketing research

  -co-ordinated focus groups (24 per year) and managed a team of 75 in-store market researchers to conduct field demonstrations. presented research findings to management teams, which used the information as the basis for their product development plans, resulting in the extension of a brand that brought in sales of $2.1 million in the 97-98 financial year.


  -ground floor experience in sales and merchandising with international fast-moving packaged goods company. territory manager for north western region covering 78 stores, 12 product lines and approximately 28 sales promotional events per year.

  employment history

  date: 1996-present time

  company: the wine and food emporium

  title: marketing manager (melbourne)

  duties: responsible for a team of 18 people with an advertising budget of $15 million spread over 5 product lines. chief liaison between client and agency and responsible for branding and product awareness. increased turnover to $80 million dollars in the last financial year, a 15 per cent increase and was awarded the mia’s 1998 best new product. generated over $200,000 of free trade-journal publicity in the last year.

  date: 1990-1996

  company: di pastio pasta products (sydney)

  title: marketing research manager

  duties: responsible for the management, co-ordination, recruitment and placement of 75 in-store demonstrators including an in-bound and out-bound telemarketing survey conducted in conjunction with the sampling demonstrations. presented research findings to ceo level and was instrumental in the development of a new brand extension which resulted in a profit of $2.1 million for the company.


  university of queensland, bachelor of business (marketing), 1996

  seacliff tafe, associate diploma in marketing, 1986


  available on request.


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