
个人简历模板 2022-10-09 网络整理 可可


basic cv
name: miss chen
national: han
age: 24 years old
current location: guangzhou
exit and entry: zhanjiang
size: 168 cm  53 kg
marital status: married
job intentions
personnel types: ordinary job 
position: legal culture and education categories: clerks, lawyers assistant: assistant counsel, legal affairs / commissioner: commissioner for legal affairs
work experience: 5 title: no title
job type: full-time
reported for duty to date: at any time
monthly requirements: XX - 3500
hope that the working area: guangzhou guangzhou guangzhou
work experience
company name: guangdong guangdong law firm beginning and ending payment date :XX-03 ~ XX-07
company nature: other
industry: information consulting, the firm, personnel exchanges
positions: legal assistant
job description: responsible for the executive to receive, document management, writing instruments, organize meetings, filing a case, close to the material, collection and litigation-related evidence, to help build, maintain an information platform for internal legal services, to participate in the development of litigation strategies to assist counsel and to participate in litigation work, familiar with the case-handling procedures. down-to-earth working attitude, a high sense of responsibility, and actively, carefully, carefully, carefully with a good one cases each. can withstand a certain pressure to adapt to long-term business trips. won the party, colleagues and superiors of the recognition and accreditation, and i more and more like the work of law.
company name: guangzhou city, beginning and ending three years full-food company limited :XX-10 ~ XX-02
company nature: private enterprise
industry: grain and oil, food
positions: statistical clerks
job description: responsible for document management, data entry, printing, accounting statements and sales statistics, sales orders, according to open, familiar with the erp system, can withstand a certain degree of work pressure. in this work a serious and responsible work by the leadership of the trust and recognition, has repeatedly sent to the office of foshan and zhuhai‘s office to study and work.
company name: guangzhou osman garment co., ltd. beginning and ending date :XX-08 ~ XX-09
company nature: joint-stock enterprises
their respective industries: textiles, clothing
positions: office clerks
job description: responsible for the executive to receive, document management, writing instruments, organize meetings, is responsible for assessing the work of departments, with the sector‘s relations with other departments, contact chung ditch work, purchase office supplies and assistance to department heads to carry out important work schedule, invoicing familiar with the system. in the meantime, i tried to learn a serious and responsible leadership by colleagues at home.
educational background
graduate institutions: radio and television university, guangzhou
highest level of education: undergraduate
graduation date: XX-07-01
specialties: law
XX-09 XX-07 zhaoqing institute of technology vocational and technical secondary school in both english and chinese secret
XX-09 XX-07, guangzhou radio and television university college of law
XX-09 XX-07, guangzhou radio and television university law undergraduate at the time
language ability
foreign language: english general
mandarin level: excellent
cantonese level: master
the ability to work
my cheerful personality, work seriously and hard-working, down-to-earth work hard, with an open mind to learn, good at thinking, able to learn by analogy. at the same time be able to learn at school and flexible application of knowledge to specific work, quality and quantity of work to complete the task. i am good at writing in literature and sports!
personal autobiography
the criteria for my life: being serious, do the work. my greatest characteristics: hard, not afraid of difficulties, a sense of responsibility and team spirit. social work took five years has been, in this five years, has experienced many setbacks, the mature and stable now. i understand that a token, the federation is faced with a wide range of life challenges, they have to bravely face life every post, to meet new challenges with courage in order to better adapt to the rapid development of the society, is always difficult will be a thing of the past. of course, i have lost, and worried that i will learn to adapt as much as possible. i think it is only god has given me challenges., which in addition to strong adaptability and optimistic attitude towards life, the more important is the accumulation of continuous learning and skills training.
my life is an important part of hong kong are moving forward i will never forget the time years back staring at once. this has been thanks to the setbacks, once again casting my growth, so i am sure that tomorrow i will definitely be better!
for the past, i do all others, i will go all out for the future. hope that we can and grow your company, please take heed of my future! thank you very much at the same time in busy reading my cv, loyal look forward to your response. at the same time, i wish you good health and every success!
contact tel: 13766666666 home phone:
phone: 13766666666 qq number:


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