
个人简历模板 2022-08-29 网络整理 可可


personal data:
add:****easton avenue, apt 20b somerset, nj  08873
tel:001 12345-60 / 001 123456-9313
email:  :
bachelor’s degree in computer science and over ten years experience in the design and development of application programs. proficient in c++ and windows. well-versed in the knowledge of various programming languages with strong analytical, problem solving skills and solid work experience in versatile corporate environments.
rutgers university, new brunswick, nj   1993
b.a., computer science minor: statistics
chubb computer services, top gun school   XX
diploma in client server programming
  training subject :
c++  oracle   unix  asp.net
active x    active server pages  gdi    atl
java script    object oriented programming
nt operating system  java
shell programming  html
relational database design dhtml
structured program design  
computer  skills :
  languages: c, c++, vb, vc, sql, visual basic, pc magic, lotus notes,   pascal, rpg/400, prolog, scheme
  operating systems: windows xp/nt/98/95, novell netware, unix,
software: oracle, sybase, platinum, x-windows, query/400 
hardware: ibm pc, sun sparc, macintosh
experience prudential financial, newark, nj
  system design and analysis specialist (april XX - present)
• responsible for the design, development, testing and installation of application systems for various trading data feed interfaces using c++ oop with class structures and data encapsulation. wrote documentations to describe program development, logic, coding, and corrections.
• re-designed, re-wrote and optimized existing applications while integrating new requirements; converted visual basic programs into c++ adopting oop design, thereby reducing execution time by 80%.
• consulted with users to identify current operating procedures and to clarify program objectives. wrote manual for users to describe installation and operating procedures. designed and implemented test plans during scheduled release periods.
• participated in the unit-testing of sdk for trading application software; documented testing process and produced error log.
software house international (corporate offices), somerset, nj
 senior software programmer (june 1994 - september XX)
• designed and developed user-friendly database application system with responsibility for its implementations, maintenance and enhancements.
• created accounting applications to automate data processing and file updates. use sql sever to develop the front-end software database.  
   • re-designed and consolidated application programs to optimize system    resource utilization and to minimize file lock up.   
• responsible for maintaining and purging all sales and accounting transaction databases.
• provided system support to corporate headquarter, 2 operating divisions and over 20 sales offices in u.s.
tyco toys, inc. (tvmi service corp.), mt. laurel, nj
programmer (june 1992 - may 1994)
 • report to vice president of mis with responsibility to streamline and   document the configuration of telecommunication system, word processing   software, and graphic utilities in as/400 environment.
• designed and developed application programs to produce financial reports and sales statistics pertaining to domestic and international market.        
• successfully managed inventory of all company assets, including computer equipment, office equipment and archival records.
citibank, n.a. (corporate offices), new york, ny
research library co-op (september 1990 - november 1991)
 • reviewed and analyzed financial firm reports to document daily summary   memos for archival purpose.  
 • responsible for database updates of newly archived reports and catalogs.
honors phi beta kappa
golden key national honor society
rutgers dean’s list of distinguished students 
university award for academic excellence
  honors in computer science for distinguished academic achievements
references available upon request
job responsibilities in prudential financial:
designed and developed the money market investment pool outbound feed interface program which retrieves the daily and year-to-date data from the database tables, implements the user-required business logic, including accounting calculation, wild-card search, exception handling, and creates various output data files, trace files and error logs.  created the vb gui for the program to be installed on users’ desktop.
designed and developed the irisk outbound feed interface programs (includes five feed interfaces), which retrieve the daily and monthly data from the corresponding database tables, creates temporary tables for business logic implementation, and writes output data to fixed-format files.  also created the data junction record layouts for each file, so that the files can be converted and sent to the client site through the ftp process.
designed and developed the ledger extract program which reads the daily ledger file from gibraltar securities in japan, and imports the data into the ledger table.
designed and developed the daily and monthly ledger reconciliation programs which retrieves the data from the daily and monthly accounting table, performs the user-required business logic and exception handling, and writes output data to the reconciliation table.
created batch file for each interface program to be run in the nightly job queue, passes different parameters based on the daily or month end close flag, also performs error checking and file backup. 
responsible for development testing and unit-testing of all the interface programs and batch files with the business analyst.


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