
个人简历模板 2022-07-15 网络整理 可可


seeking a challenging environment that leverages on my vast logistics experience to further excel in the arena of supply chain management.
personal particular
name:  judy jiang 
date of birth :   05 jan 1971
marital status :  married
residential address: shanghai pudong
mobile contact: 1361234567
professional profile
 analytical problem-solving abilities
able to react comfortably and quickly in changing environment
fast learning capability and agility under pressure
effective leadership and team-building skills
solid english communication and interpersonal skills
computer literate
professional experience
XX.5 – XX.7   ******(china) ltd. (shanghai marketing organization)
position: supply chain manager
role & responsibilities:
 inventory  planning and control
1. steer the inventory planning and purchasing process to achieve the inventory accuracy, minimize obsolescence, ensure a high level of product availability, and maintain inventory turnover speed
2. implement the necessary actions to minimize slow-moving, expired items and inventory shortages in order to maintain a profitable inventory balance
   order processing
1. execution of order management process to achieve the planned customer perfect order (cpo) rate, maximize on time delivery, and minimize order information discrepancies.
2. order trace & tracking system setup for accurate information flow.
3. completed the order centralization project / initiatives in nov XX.
4. special solution from goods package, order follow up to delivery service level for key account or remote customer.
3rd party logistics provider selection and management
1. work with 3rd party logistics providers and custom brokers to improve the inbound and outbound efficiency.
2. deliver service level improvement continuously.
3. monthly kpi review with 3pl
4. completed chengdu warehouse and transportation outsourcing project / intiatives in nov XX.
 optimization of transportation, warehousing, and order processing in terms of cost, lead time, and safety to ensure logistics quality and reduce total fulfillment costs.
 sap/h2 project scm model implementation and support to comply with the common processes.
 train and develop departmental personnel to provide a consistent level of service in accordance with company policy and iso 9001 standards
conduct monthly emt meeting review on all operational matters 
 team management of 10 crews
kpi:   cpo( customer perfect order):   1st  half of XX 81.5%   2nd half of XX 88.9%
 ffm(fulfillment cost/net sales):   1st half of XX 6.4%   2nd half of XX 6.0%
XX.1 – XX.5   ****** (china) ltd.( zhanjiang manufacturing plant)
position: customer service manager
role & responsibilities:
export and domestic order processing.
1. coordinate among purchasing department, warehouse, production units, quality department, financial department, customs clearance unit for on time deliveries.
2. kpi:  sot(shipped on time):  XX  96.1%,  XX  96.65%,  XX.6  97.45%
 supply backorder:    XX   1.4%,  XX   1.24%,  XX.6   0.84%
3. internal and external communication to ensure proper update and accurate information flow.
4. prepare for all export and domestic delivery documents.
5. improve the process of export documentation, no customer complaint from apr.XX.
6. forwarders communication and management for quality, on time and lowest cost delivery.
 organize customer service meeting twice/week.
customer complaints handling.
sales report issuing for the management team.
team management of 4 crews.
completed a project on export freight cost in XX, which resulted in a use of a new forwarder for special products export that helps to shorten delivery time at a lower cost.  this resulted in special products export sales return to be increased from 2.1million usd in XX to 3.5millionusd in XX.
XX.6-XX.12:   hilti (china) ltd ( zhanjiang manufacturing plant)
position: warehouse manager
role & responsibilities:
on time goods transferring. 

stock accuracy controlling. the level of inventory accuracy was maintained over 99%.  
   cycle count controlling.
 first in and first out principle controlling. the accuracy of fifo was 100%.
   team management of 7 crews.
1999.10-XX.5   china north industries zhanjiang corp. 
position: business representative
role & responsibilities:
attending guangzhou fair 4 times as the business representative.
familiar with the procedure of import and export.
familiar with foreign trading.
1998.1-1999.10   guangdong sapoe enterprise group corp. 
position: fax machine department manager
role & responsibilities:
 distribution and stock replenishment of fax machines for 18 branches all over china.
fax machines spare parts and consuming material stock management.
 customer complaints handling.
 team management of 11 crews.
1996.3-1997.12 beijing branch of guangdong sapoe enterprise group corp.
position: sales stuff, sales manager
role & responsibilities:
 marketing supervision of beijing, tianjin, hebei and shanxi of copier, fax machine, duplicator and consuming material. top seller in beijing brach, was promoted to be sales manager after just 6 month’s sales job. 
 team management of 10 crews
1992.11-1996.2 guangdong sapoe enterprise group corp   
position: english translator
role & responsibilities:
translation of technical materials.
 technical documents filing management.
1990.9-1992.10 qinhuangdao audio video researching institute 
position: english translator
role & responsibilities:
translation of technical materials.
technical documents filing management.
education & training

1987-1990   hebei tv university  
          majoring:  english
1999-XX  south china science & engineering university
          mba course
XX-XX   beijing foreign studies university
              majoring: english
management communications skills training in hilti
1. supply chain training in hilti.
2. “3c” (customer, competence, concentration) training in hilti.
3. “red thread” training in hilti
4. “large account management process” training in hilti
5. “successful sales strategy” training in hilti
6. “logistics best practice” training in hilti
other experience
good knowledge of it application. microsoft office suite, microsoft project, microsoft visio.
experience in evaluating management system to suit operations needs, this includes specifications and selection.
references are available on request.


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