
个人简历模板 2022-06-06 网络整理 可可


  name: mr. w gender: male

  wedlock: married nation: han

  residence: jiangxi-jiujiang age: 35

  location: guangdong-dongguan height: 172cm

  target locations: guangdong-shenzhen、 guangdong-dongguan、 guangdong-guangzhou

  target positions: sales-salesman

  management-project manager

  sales management-sales manager

  target jobs: sale、 sales leader、 sales manager


  1999-09 ~ XX-02 jiuqiang college college junior college


  XX-04 ~ XX-05 boya trainning school ps

  work experience9 years 5 months work experience,and served on 4 companies.

  【company name】 (XX-08 ~ present)

  company type: private enterprise company category: trading,commerce,imports and exports

  job title: sales manager positions: sales manager

  job description: it is a small trade company for premium and promotion items, such as neoprene beer bottle holder, laptop sleeve, mouse pad and digital pouch. as a leader to develop customer, including from sample to catalogue and attendance for show, handing alibaba and other b2b platform , get sales to double turnover against the last year, and develop 3 big custers with yearly sale rmb10 millison.

  【company name】 (XX-09 ~ XX-07)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: trading,commerce,imports and exports

  job title: sales manager positions: sales manager

  job description: it is sweden company in gz,do solor light design and production business, asthefirst developing stage, i am as project leader , leading sales and engineer to contact with damark designer and get design into final product. after finish develop , change to be as sales manager , focus on customer develop, after one year develop, we achieve a big success on develop and sales. one of our customer from japan, the turnover is up to rmb10 millsion

  【company name】 (XX-07 ~ XX-09)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: culture,sports and entertainment

  job title: project specialist positions: sales representative

  job description: the is a germany registered company, the office is located in changping ofdongguan. main business is for board game for children and adult education.

  my job is the bridge between customer and factory , forward requirement for project and order to factory, and assist factory to work out the qualized product.

  【company name】 (XX-02 ~ XX-07)

  company type: foreign enterprise company category: other production,manufacturing,processing

  job title: sales positions: salesman

  job description: this is a hk bacial company, produce all kind of print items products. my jobs was to follow up the new project to develop and order follow up.

  project experience

  ps (XX-02 ~ XX-01)

  job title: ps

  project description: 1. having experiences to work on different companies, factory, trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

  2. long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability to extremely fully understand the original requirement from customer and design.

  3. own experience for gz fair and hk expo ,keen in business develop by engine and b2b. keen to hunt the potential customer .

  4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and support.

  5. royal, team work spirit. working on company value, do best service for customer, strict control for output qualified product. which is my job standpoint.

  responsibility: 1. having experiences to work on different companies, factory, trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

  2. long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability to extremely fully understand the original requirement from customer and design.

  3. own experience for gz fair and hk expo ,keen in business develop by engine and b2b. keen to hunt the potential customer .

  4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and support.

  5. royal, team work spirit. working on company value, do best service for customer, strict control for output qualified product. which is my job standpoint.

  special skills

  professional title:

  computer level: intermediate

  computer skills: familar with excel,word, photoshop,cad.internet

  strengths: jiujiang university, jiangxi, cn

  business english

  foreign trade certificate


  language skills

  chinese: good cantonese: very bad

  english level: cet-6

  english: excellent

  career objective

  career direction: sales for gift and promotion field.1. having experiences to work on different companies, factory, trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

  2. long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability to extremely fully understand the original requirement from customer and design.

  requirements: 3. own experience for gz fair and hk expo ,keen in business develop by engine and b2b. keen to hunt the potential customer .

  4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and support.

  5. royal, team work spirit. working on company value, do best service for customer, strict control for output qualified product. which is my job standpoint.

  self info.

  self assessment: 1. having experiences to work on different companies, factory, trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

  2. long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability to extremely fully understand the original requirement from customer and design.

  3. own experience for gz fair and hk expo ,keen in business develop by engine and b2b. keen to hunt the potential customer .

  4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and support.

  5. royal, team work spirit. working on company value, do best service for customer, strict control for output qualified product. which is my job standpoint.

  hobbies: 1. having experiences to work on different companies, factory, trade company and foreign trade company . stocking quite lot of working experience which get me competence on sale manager position.

  2. long time to cooperation with foreign designer and customer directly, which improve my ability4. stronger communication , professional correspondence which can get customer trust and suppo


  best saleman 20xx-xx-xx


  tet-6 1999-05-14


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