西安网申的人数总在几千,这轮下来大概剩下500左右,pg会有专人负责电话通知这些人,参加接下来的宣讲会或叫做英才见面会,而这些人都可以参加pg的笔试了。宣讲会一般都在喜来登。宣讲会的内容无非是各部门的负责人阐述本部门的理念,原则以及工作性质。实习生只能选择cbd(customer business development,客户业务发展部门,主要与经销商代理商打交道)和r&d。全职的选择比较多,但也要看在西安当年有哪些部门进行招聘,并不一定。一定要认真分析各个部门不同的文化和要求,确认自己最适合的职位。如上所说pg非常注重员工性格特征与企业的匹配程度,所以务必慎重决定。最终决定将会要求在第一轮笔试时候填写在试卷上。
第二步:笔试之pst(problem solving test,中文解难能力测试)
这部分考试在外院进行。pg往年这部分都采取托业的形式,并且托业分数足够的话可以免试英语。今年在全国推广新型的考试,采用的是一种据说很牛的语音识别软件。具体形式是:快到考试时间,会有专门人员带你进入候考室,发给考卷。考卷分为以下几个部分:阅读句子,重复句子,回答问题,根据听到的短语造句,最后是每题20秒的陈述。抓紧时间熟悉考卷,尤其是阅读句子部分,句子是给出的,如果有不会的单词赶紧用文曲星查,在候考时候是允许的,所以事先准备好。多读几遍,务必要完全流畅没有停顿,并且发音要正确,这部分必须拿到比较完美的分数。整个过程是由长途电话完成的,并且电话那头是电脑而并不是真人,所以不会等到你的回答结束才开始下一题,要控制自己的回答时间,尤其是最后的陈述。电话可能有杂音,如果严重可以向工作人员申请重新拨号。用的是耳机而不是听筒,稍微可以安慰一下。回答或者陈述时一定要清楚大声,重复句子和造句那里,没有听懂也尽量复述自己听到的单词,会有加分。如果回答问题那里不懂,最后沉默或者说i don"t know。问题陈述部分一定要严格控制时间,宁愿少说也不要影响听接下来的问题。全部考试只需要12分钟不到的样子,具体时间分配试卷上会有说明,一定要高度紧张,集中精神。
the eight questions:
1. describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.
2. summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue,and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.
3. describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant information,define key issues,and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.
4. describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.
5. give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.
6. describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.
7. provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.
8. provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.
practice exercises for problem solving test purpose
this is provided to help you understand the rules for answering the problem solving test by:
1. telling you about important features of the test.
2. giving you suggestions and strategies that can help when you answer it
3. giving you practice on questions similar to the actual test.
features of problem solving test
there are three types of questions which require critical thinking and analytical skills:
number of questions
understanding data presented in tables or graphs 23
understanding written paragraphs 18
solving math problems 9
50 total
you will have 65 minutes to answer the 50 questions. you are allowed to use a calculator,
although one is not required. you should use a pencil so you can erase to change an answer.
every question has five possible answers from which you must choose the most correct
answer. you will not have to write any essays. you will simply mark one of the five answers
which will be labeled a, b, c, d, e.
during the actual test, you will mark your answers on a special answer sheet separate from the
questions. if you mark more than one answer to a question, it will not be counted as correct. if
you change an answer, it is important to erase your first answer so it does not appear that you have
marked more than one answer.
each correct answer adds one point to your score. points are not taken off if you mark an
incorrect answer. you should try to score as many points as you can.
suggestions to get best results
recent research has indicated that the following practices can lead to better scores on
problem solving tests, including some you should do, and some you should not do.
things you should do to score well on a problem solving test:
(一)determine clearly the nature of the question before looking at the answer choices.
(二)work as fast as possible with reasonable assurance of accuracy: do not lose time on a
question you do not understand.
(三)eliminate answers from consideration that you know are incorrect and choose from
among the remaining answers.
(四)mark an answer to every question, even if you have to guess.
(五)use time remaining after completion of the test to reconsider answers.
things you should not do in answering a problem solving test:
(一)do not read slowly and carefully through the entire test before you start working.
(二)do not spend time verifying questions you have already answered until you have
answered every question.
(三)do not spend time considering an answer that is not one of the five answer choices.
practice questions
here is an example question with the correct answer marked as it should be on the answer
example question answer sheet
1. a truck travels at the rate of 80 kilometers per hour. how much distance will it travel in 30
a. 80 kilometers b. 240 kilometers c. 40 kilometers d. 30 kilometers
e. none of the above example explanation
30 minutes is one half of an hour, so a truck going 80 kilometers per hour will travel 40
kilometers in half an hour. answer c is colored in to indicate the correct answer.
you will now have 25 questions to do as practice. try to answer all of the questions in 30
minutes. try to get the best score you can by practicing the suggestions to skip a question, or to
guess, to save time.
when you are ready, go to the next page and answer the practice questions as quickly as you
can. write the time when you start below. when you are finished, write the time below and
determine the total amount of time used. this will give you an idea of whether you are working as
quickly as you will need to do on the actual test.
practice questions
mark your answers on the attached answer sheet.
table 1
amount of income in certain industries (in billions of dollars)
industry year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5
agriculture 22 26 26 30 51
communication 14 17 18 20 21
construction 36 43 47 52 57
finance and real estate 78 90 100 108 118
manufacturing 213 218 226 253 287
transportation 27 30 33 36 40
1. which industry had the largest increase in the dollar amount of income from year 1 to year 2?
a. agriculture b. construction c. finance and real estate d. manufacturing e. transportation
2. which industry had the smallest increase in the dollar amount of income from year 1 to year 5?
a. agriculture b. construction c. finance and real estate d. manufacturing e. transportation
3. which industry experienced the largest percentage increase from year 3 to year 4?
a. agriculture b. communication c. construction d. finance and real estate e. manufacturing
4. which industry experienced the least percent change from year 1 to year4?
a. agriculture b. communication c. construction d. manufacturing e. transportation
5. for which industry was there the least consistent increase in income over the period of time
covered by the table?
a. agriculture b. construction c. finance and real estate d. manufacturing e. transportation
6. if the trend in the transportation industry were to continue, its income for year 6 would most
likely be about
a. 42 billion dollars b. 44 billion dollars c. 46 billion dollars d. 48 billion dollars
e. 50 billion dollars
7. in which of the following instances has the first type of industry named consistently had an
income about half that of the second?
a. agriculture; finance and real estate b. communication; agriculture c. construction;
finance and real estate
d. finance and real estate; manufacturing e. transportation; communication
8. in how many instances did a type of industry make a gain of 10% or more over the previous
year listed?
a. 1 - 4 b. 5 -8 c. 9 - 12 d. 13 - 16 e. 17 - 20
9. the type of industry showing the steadiest rate of growth in income during this period was
a. communication b. construction c. finance and real estate d. manufacturing
e. transportation
10. in which one of the following groups did all three types of industry increase their respective
incomes by most nearly one-third from year 1 to year 3?
a. agriculture; communication; transportation
b. agriculture; communication; construction
c. communication; construction; transportation
d. construction; finance and real estate, transportation
e. communication; construction; finance and real estate
11. which one of these types of industry experienced the least percent change from year 1 to
a. agriculture b. communication c. construction d. manufacturing e. transportation
12. among the following, the greatest percentage increase in income occurred for
a. agriculture between year 3 and year 4
b. communication between year 2 and year3
c. construction between year 1 and year 2
d. finance and real estate between year 4 and year 5
e. manufacturing between year 3 and year4
a personnel department should first of all think of itself as a research group. the research i
am thinking of is a questioning of personnel techniques, a re-examining of accepted procedures. it
is searching for facts and anticipating future developments. it is thinking about your job and
exploring new ways of carrying it out.
secondly, a personnel department should equip itself with the knowledge and experience
which will enable it to advise top management on personnel policies and, when appropriate, to
draw management"s attention to the employee relations implications of contemplated courses of
third, personnel people should work closely with line management in developing guidelines
and procedures which will help the operating people carry out their responsibilities in the
employee relations area. such guides will put the specialized skills which personnel people have
at the disposal of the line managers without removing the essential day-to-day contact they should
have with their own people.
finally, the personnel department should perform a review or survey function. are personnel
policies and programs being admin istered correctly? are there particular problems which make
modifications necessary? are the programs accomplishing what they were intended to
accomplish? should changes be made to strengthen them? these are some important questions
that a review function can help answer.
13. which two personnel functions described in the passage appear to have the most in common?
a. research and advisory b. research and review c. advisory and review
d. procedure and review e. research and procedure
14. "they" in line 31 refers most clearly to
a. "personnel department" in lines 12-13 b. "top management" in line15
c. "guidelines and procedures" in lines 23-24 d. "personnel people" in lines 28-29
e. "line managers" in line 30
15. the questions posed in the last paragraph are ones which are to be answered primarily through
a. foreseeing possible developments b. effective communication with employees
c. critical evaluation d. conscientious application of policies
e. provision of flexibility in approaches
16. why does the author regard the day-to-day contact referred to in line 31 as "essential"?
a. this is needed to search for facts and anticipate developments.
b. this is important for advising top management.
c. this forms the basis for developing guidelines and procedures.
d. this is basic for knowing that policies and programs are administered properly.
e. the author does not clearly say why.
17. in line 27, the function of the sentence beginning "such guides..." is that of
a. providing a rationale. b. emphasizing a point. c. indicating an analogy. d. adding details.
e. presenting evidence.
18. all of the following are clearly indicated by the author as important for a personnel department
to be effective except
a. looking ahead to see what will be needed in the future.
b. seeking to find new and better ways for handling personnel matters.
c. giving counsel to high-level managers on matters of personnel policy.
d. having day-to-day contacts with people in the various line departments.
e. looking for new ways to make one"s job more effective.
19. the main point of the first paragraph is that members of a personnel department should
a. think about their jobs so they become as productive as possible.
b. have a certain kind of orientation in their work.
c. produce facts rather than rely on hunches.
d. re-examine accepted personnel techniques and procedures.
e. emphasize anticipation of future developments.
20. the normal selling price of a case of soap is $10.00. during a special sale, the price was
reduced by 10%. (note: 10% means 10 percent.) this sale price was 20% greater than the
cost to produce a case of soap. how much did it cost to produce a case of soap?
a. $9.00 b. $8.00 c. $7.50 d. $7.00 e. $6.50
21. a picture on a page was reduced on a copier to 60% of its original size, and this copy was then
reduced by 20%. what percent of the size of the original picture was the final copy?
a. 12 b.20 c. 40 d. 48 e. 52
22. in a certain department, 15% of the females and 25% of the males are working on a project.
60% of the department is female. what percent of the department is working on the project?
a. 12 b.19 c. 40 d. 48 e. one cannot tell from the information given.
23. the total cost for five items of repair work on a car was $195. overhaul of the carburetor cost
twice as much as the tune-up, brake pads cost one-third as much as the carburetor overhaul, and
alignment and wheel balancing each cost one-third as much as the tune-up. what did the tune-up
a. $30 b. $45 c. $60 d. $90 e. one cannot tell from the information given.
24. a certain preparation consists of liquids x, y, and z in the proportion 5:2:
1. how many gallons of the preparation can be made from a stock of materials consisting of 25
gallons of x, 20 gallons of y, and 8 gallons of z?
a. 25 b.40 c. 80 d. 53 e. 50
25. a product costing 60 cents per unit to produce had been selling at the average rate of
1,200,000 units per month. after the product was improved, sales increased to an average of
2,000,000 units per month. however, the new product cost five percent more to produce. if the
manufacturer"s selling price in each instance was 75 cents per unit, what was the manufacturer"s
added profit per month with the newer product?
a. $20,000 b. $60,000 c. $200,000 d. $240,000
e. one cannot tell from the information given
C是高级语言:它把高级语言的基本结构和语句与低级语言的实用性结合起来。C 语言可以像汇编语言一样对位、字节和地址进行操作,而这三者是计算机最基本的工作单元。下面就由小编为大家介绍一下c经典笔试题的文章,欢迎阅读。 c经典笔试题篇1 有两个磁盘文件A和B,各存放一行字母,要求把这两个文件中的信...
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