1. To manager: The latest sales data,Give your suggestion about our future extension
plan to the second class city?If we will build office in second class city, where should we choose?
2. To manager: The result of the parley with xx company?Will the new combination
XX affect?How to lessen the unnecessary use of paper?
3. To manager: Describe an inefficient procedure, suggested upgrade the old facilities,
and no smoking in the office.
4. To manager: Cooperation with Wal-Mart: The course of the meeting in 3 o’clock?
should we talk about the bargain or not?If there’s no bargain, how to reparation?
5. To manager: How is the training program going?promoted managers adopt our
company?Your suggestion about recruitment system?
6. To manager: Which part of the office painting haven’t finished?Is it affect the staff?
When finish?
7. To manager: Tell her the details of the arrangement of the annual diner, could it
advance the communication?What’s the difference between event of this year and the last year?
8. To manager: Did the new recruiter adopt the working environment?Did the new
bonus system boost the employee’s fertility? What’s your opinion about improve the working environment?
9. To manager: the progress of the training of sales department. What is your opinion
about the new reviser of the way of gathering? Your suggestion about build a harmony environment in office?
10. To manager: the implementation of the new intranet. Is two days enough? Give your
advice about how to lessen the disruption in the office.
1. To manager: The output figure of manufacturing facilities, whether centralize
manufacturing, how to improve speed of manufacturing process?
2. To manager: How's our new TV Advertisement going? What's your advice for our
strategy? What do you think is the best strategy to approach our Brand strategy in China?
3. To manager: What do you think about the quality inspection? Give me your
advice on health and safety. Do you think the statistics is sufficient?
4. To manager: Tell the details of the ambassador’s coming. Your proposal of his visit.
Suggestions for him to have a memorable experience.
5. To manager: tell her the managerial expense account procedure; inquire he why most
managers are over budget on expense; your suggestion on minimizing the managerial expenditure.
6. To manager: Give an idea about your departmental communication; 10% increase
the budget of your attending to a conference; Congratulate to her recent success.
7. To manager: the sales forecast of the next month. The budget increase of cover
training. Suggestion about the new accounting procedure.
8. To manager: How to improve the efficiency between Suzhou and Shanghai office?
How is the training program going in Beijing? Should the training program conducted by Beijing office be implemented in the Headquarter?
1. To manager: details about a construction project; obstacle preventing from finishing
on time; suggest how to make the next year's project more smoothly.
2. To manager: detail of product delivered from New York to the Shanghai office, what
tasks happed during her absence, do you think the office is running efficiently? Why or why not?
3. To manager: Arrangement of a meeting; the reason why you are late for the
conference; Report the progress.
4. To manager: Is there any problem among the contract with the real estate company?
Do you think the client is satisfied with our proposal? How do you think about the contract?
C是高级语言:它把高级语言的基本结构和语句与低级语言的实用性结合起来。C 语言可以像汇编语言一样对位、字节和地址进行操作,而这三者是计算机最基本的工作单元。下面就由小编为大家介绍一下c经典笔试题的文章,欢迎阅读。 c经典笔试题篇1 有两个磁盘文件A和B,各存放一行字母,要求把这两个文件中的信...
编程就是让计算机为解决某个问题而使用某种程序设计语言编写程序代码,并最终得到相应结果的过程。下面就由小编为大家介绍一下C++编程笔试题的文章,欢迎阅读。 C++编程笔试题篇1 一、请填写BOOL , float, 指针变量 与“零值”比较的 if 语句。(10分)...
Excel中大量的公式函数可以应用选择,是现代很多工作岗位都要用到的。 下面由小编为你提供的关于EXCEL的笔试题目,希望能帮到你。 关于EXCEL的笔试题目(一) 1、在Excel中,下列输入数据属于字符型的是( )。 +A1+3 =SUM(A1:A2) =A1+3 SUM(A1,A2)...
东北大学始建于1920xx年4月。1920xx年8月至1937年1月,著名爱国将领张学良将军任校长。“九·一八”事变后,东北大学被迫迁徙北平、开封、西安、四川三台等地。下面是小编为你整理的20xx年东北大学自主招生笔试题,希望对你有所帮助! 6月10日,东...
虽然20xx年山东省公务员遴选笔试已经过去,但对于即将参加20xx年山东省公务员遴选笔试的小伙伴来说,去年的真题具有很大的参考价值。今天小编要与大家分享的是20xx年山东省公务员遴选笔试真题,希望对大家的学习有帮助!20xx年山东省公务员遴选笔试真题 一、简答(30分每题10分) 1、20x...
指针是一个特殊的变量,它里面存储的数值被解释成为内存里的一个地址。下面就由小编为大家介绍一下c指针笔试题的文章,欢迎阅读。 c指针笔试题篇1 1 变量的指针,其含义是指该变量的_________ a)值 b)地址 c)名 d)一个标志 2 若有语句int *point,a=4;和p...
西安交通大学为中国最早兴办的高等学府之一,肇始于1896年创建于上海的南洋公学,1920xx年改称交通大学(Chiao Tung University),1956年国务院决定交通大学内迁西安,为交通大学西安部分,1959年定名西安交通大学。下面是小编为你整理的西安交通大学20xx年自主招生测试题...
西南财经大学是教育部直属的国家“211工程”和“985工程”优势学科创新平台建设的全国重点大学,也是国家教育体制改革试点高校。下面是小编为你整理的20xx年西南财经大学自主招生笔试题,希望对你有所帮助! 20xx年西南财经大学自主招生笔试题 财经...
Excel中大量的公式函数可以应用选择,使用Microsoft Excel可以执行计算,分析信息并管理电子表格或网页中的数据信息列表与数据资料图表制作,可以实现许多方便的功能,带给使用者方便。下面就由小编为大家介绍一下EXCEL笔试题目的文章,欢迎阅读。 EXCEL笔试题目篇1 1 Exc...
Java语言作为静态面向对象编程语言的代表,极好地实现了面向对象理论,允许程序员以优雅的思维方式进行复杂的编程。下面是小编为你整理的JAVA笔试题150例,希望对你有所帮助! JAVA笔试题150例 一、Java基础方面 1、作用域public,private,protected,以及不写...